forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral, quietly to himself: How the fuck did we forget about Earth)
(The child: confusion)

Mia curled up a bit next to Simon, resting on his arm. The leopard shifted again, rolling onto their back.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(That is a very normal and good response to something like this oop)

Mia glanced over, glad to see Simon enjoying the book, and have something they both enjoyed. She let out a happy hum, squeaking softly when the leopard's nose found its way to press against her arm.


((T R U E XD))

Simon giggled softly, looking over at the two of them with a wide smile. “You okay?” He asked, mostly teasingly, knowing the leopard hadn’t actually hurt her. He reached over to pet the top of the leopard’s head, letting out a content sigh.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Yeah… they both want the other to love them, they just have a hard time loving the other themselves-)
(He really is. He loves Simon at that point, and tries his best to take care of him, but it doesn't really work out and he's very clueless as to why not)

"I-It's just deciding if it wants to take a taste!" Mia squeaked out. She shuffled away as the leopard leaned into Simon's petting, tail flicking and looking for all the world like they couldn't hurt a fly.


((Pretty much yeah.))
((Astral: leaves Simon alone for like five minutes))
((Simon, who’s only given life purpose was to be useful to Astral: ah yes I am now useless))

“No they're not, look at them they’re just a precious baby!” Simon cooed, hugging the leopard carefully. “They don’t wanna hurt anyone.” He insisted, looking up at her with a soft pout.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Yeahhh… Astral leaves Simon along for half an hour and comes back to him having a crisis)
(He's not going to have abandonment issues at all when it comes to Astral. The god'll spend the first two/three days with Simon constantly with him but after that, he lets Simon have some alone time, that's not going to mess him up at all)

The leopard leaned into Simon when they were hugged, licking his cheek. Mia watched with apprehension.
"Well, it's way too big! And its claws don't retract, so if it plays too rough it'll hurt you."


((Pretty much yeahhhhhhh XD))
((Oh yeah that totally won’t mess him up at alllllllll. Especially since Astral probably won’t give him anything to do while he’s alone. And then Astral comes back after countless hours and is just like “ummmm why are you so upset”))

Simon giggled softly when the leopard licked his cheek. He looked back up at Mia. “Well then I’ll just have to make sure to be careful!” He replied cheerfully.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral on the fourth day: Okay now I need to go do some work I'll be back for lunch! leaves)
(Simon: Wait. W h a t)

Mia nodded slowly, still keeping an eye on the leopard. The big cat rubbed their head against Simon's, nuzzling close.


((Simon trying to contact the High Priestess like “AYO BEING LEFT ALONE WASN’T PART OF MY TRAINING”))

Simon smiled, laughing happily. “Good kitty!” He said softly, enjoying the warmth of the big cat. The leopard had really grown on him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(The High Priestess: H E W H A T)
(Astral, coming back into the room: Hey I brought ice cream!)

Mia watched, arms folded over her chest.
"I still don't trust it…" The leopard closed their eyes and continued to rub against Simon, paws crossing and tail flicking again.


((Simon, who was literally on the border of an existential crisis: NEVER MIND HE CAME BACK))

“I promise to be careful if that’ll make you feel any better.” Simon offered, not wanting his friend to be afraid for him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral: excessive blinking U-Um, it's only been ten minutes)
(Astral, holding a bowl: Ice cream?)
(Simon, who's never been allowed ice cream in his life: Oo is this fancy god food? ( ◕▿◕ ))

"Thank you…" Mia let out a soft breath, watching as the big cat rubbed against Simon.
"Just… I don't trust it much at all."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral tries not to laugh as he hugs Simon close like "no, oh no dearie you can't do that-")

"Good cuddles are always in demand," Mia agreed. "And I thought I gave good ones too…" Mia fake pouted, lightly hitting Simon's shoulder.


((Simon who like had never gotten brain freeze in his life just hugging Astral like “D: that was so weird”))

“You do give good cuddles!” He insisted. “Sometimes I just need diversity in my cuddle supplier, okay?” He said, giggling softly.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral and Simon are going to have so many cute moments if we ignore how they got there and everything that happened the first time around :D)

Mia continued to pout, then turned back to Simon with a giggle.
"Yes, I suppose so! Let's just hope it doesn't try to eat you," she teased.


((Oh yeah that’s definitely true. So as long as we don’t think about how fucked it all actually is it’ll be adorable :D ))

“Oh I certainly hope not. Besides I don’t think I’d taste that good.” He said teasingly, laughing softly.