forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Got it!)
(The child is going to have ~allergies~ and I want Simon to suffer :) )

The leopard looked up when Simon kissed their head, moving their head up to lick his face in turn. Mia jumped back some, letting out a little yelp.
"C-Careful!!" She acted like the leopard could bite into Simon at any moment, with all of this licking.


((Noooooooooo (bro that’s literally me though, I’m allergic to all the stuff my parents like lmao) ))

Simon giggled softly. “It’s okay, we’re all okay.” He reassured. He still saw the leopard as just a big house cat, he knew they wouldn’t hurt him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Aha, I grew out of mine thank god, but when my mom was pregnant with me I was allergic to chocolate so she couldn't have any while pregnant and she hated it XD)

Mia watched with concern still, letting out another squeak as the leopard pushed itself up onto the couch, upper body resting on Simon's lap and nuzzling against his stomach and chest.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(My dad went out and bought her every kind of m&m after I was born so everything was okay lol)

The leopard leaned into Simon some, rubbing their head against him. Its tail flicked again, and it licked Simon's face a few times. Mia stared, blinking several times.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The leopard looked quite happy with the petting, settling down in Simon's lap, tail flicking occasionally. Mia looked between them for a moment, then went back to her book. She wanted to be close with Simon, but the leopard made her weary, and she kept some space between them.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia didn't trust anything to do with Astral. For all she knew, he was controlling the leopard, or had just replaced them himself to get Simon cuddles.
He wasn't, but Mia didn't know that. The big cat looked content, eyes closing.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Yes but if Simon found out it would ruin leopard snuggles and we don't want that)

Mia looked over as well. Finally, she moved over to Simon's side once more, head resting on his shoulder. She didn't smile, but she was slightly more at ease since nothing had happened.


Simon moved to scratch the top of the big cat’s head, his eyes still focused on his book. He was glad he’d decided to let Astral take them home, it was nice to have a pet around besides him even though the leopard wasn’t necessarily a normal pet.

((At some point after the child’s born, Simon’s probably going to figure out that Astral will want them all to be a family and just like- show up to sleep in Astral’s room with him.))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The leopard paused in their grooming, leaning up into Simon's hand. They yawned, settling down again. They weren't normal at all, but they were still a big loving cat who just wanted to snuggle.

(:00 Astral's going to be so confused when he wakes up to Simon in his bed lol)


Simon smiled contently. The snuggles were pretty nice honestly. Apparently everyone who lived in the palace just wanted constant snuggles.

((Astral just like: why are you here???))
((Simon, who pulled like three all nighters before this just to make sure he’d be able to fall asleep: stfu ))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

That's easily explained as a certain author being Touched Deprived and having a love language of physical affection but their boyfriend lived on the other side of the entire freaking world.
Tangent aside, the leopard shifted around, snout under one paw. Mia let out a soft breath, looking up at Simon.
"How you doing?"

(Astral, when he first wakes up: oh my god I'm so sorry, this has-)
(Astral: wait)
(Astral: This is still my room. W h a t)


“I’m doing great!” Simon said, a wide smile on his face. In Simon’s mind, the leopard was just like the cats he used to take care of, just a lot bigger.

((Simon just like: isn’t this what you wanted??? Eventually???))
((Simon’s smart he’s not waiting around for Astral to threaten him into it lmao))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Good!!" Mia wasn't expecting that response. Expecting Simon to be so… happy, especially since Astral had visited earlier.

(Astral: blushes some Well, y-yeah, but… I'd never tell you to. Hell, I probably wouldn't have ever asked. I don't want you to be uncomfortable)
(Simon, two seconds later and already at the door: BYE BITCH)


He was doing well at the moment because he had two perfect distractions, the book and a big happy cat on his lap. Maybe things would get worse later, but for now, everything was okay.

((But yeahhhh Simon just like: I want this kid to grow up with two good parents, and since that clearly isn’t going to happen, we can at least make it seem that way. Might as well start now))