forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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((Random as hell but I feel like the priestesses wouldn’t let Simon read any books, or at least have a list of like, approved ones, so that Simon wouldn’t know too much about Earth, and wouldn’t have any reason to want to stay there))


((Simon’s gonna find the library in the palace and deadass be like “am I allowed to read any of these??”))

“Yeah that’s fair..” he said softly. “It’s okay, I just figured it might be a bit easier for you if he does come around a lot.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral, smiling sweetly: No.)
(He doesn't want Simon wanting to live on Earth either. If Simon ever wants something to read Astral's always the one to pick the book out to make sure it was okay)

"We… you could ask him not to," Mia said, voice soft. She really didn't want Simon around Astral, period.


((F for Simon he’s literally not going to be able to do anything except sleep and do whatever Astral wants :( ))

“I just-“ He sighed. “I’m scared that he’ll stop even pretending to be nice if we force him out and get angry.” He said softly.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(That's exactly how Astral wants it and it's really sad : ( )
(Simon: having a bad Mental Heath day)
(Astral: I don't care I want snuggles)

Mia hesitated, then nodded some.
"No… no matter what we try to do, h-he always gets what he wants… doesn't he…"


((Fuckin jerk :( ))
((Simon’s gonna be having so many bad mental health days. If Kye or someone else ever came to visit, he’d probably just start crying on them immediately))

“Yeah…y-yeah I guess he does.” Simon hated that, knowing that no matter what, the god would always be better than them, and would always get what he wanted.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Poor Simon ;-;)
(Even after a life of brainwashing he still isn't able to handle Astral)

Mia felt a shiver go down her back. She hated it too, hated how no matter what they did they'd never be able to win. He'd get what he wanted, and all they could do was hope he wanted something good for them.


((Ye he just wants to be happy ;w;))
((Well I mean Astral probably doesn’t take care of him like how they said he would oof))

Simon tried not to think about it too much, it made things feel more hopeless than they already did. He knew that probably the only reason Astral wasn’t tearing him apart piece by piece was because he was having Astral’s kid.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I mean, technically he would, but not really. It'd feel different from what he'd been raised for, even if he is technically taking care of all of Simon's needs. Like, he loves Simon, but he doesn't Love him anymore)

Mia closed her eyes again, hugging Simon. She knew the moment Simon wasn't around anymore, she had to make sure she wasn't either. She didn't want to be put away again in that awful living room.


((Damn that’s rough, poor Simon ;-;))

Simon hugged her tightly, resting his head on top of hers and closing his eyes. He didn’t want to be here. He wished he’d never gone with Astral in the first place. He wished he’d just killed himself, back when he actually knew that it would take his pain away. He would’ve been able to start fresh, in a new life. He’d never be able to have that anymore.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia felt tears come to her eyes again, but she did her best to hide them. She hadn't even gotten a choice in coming here. Astral had taken her, when she was a child, from the streets. He'd given her a home, he'd cared for her- but he'd made it clear what she was. She was just a playmate to his daughter, nothing more. When they had become more, later in life, they'd kept it secret.
But Astral always found out.


((I feel like the kid will probably try and do stuff with Simon to keep him entertained whenever Astral’s busy. But Simon will probably be scared of them at first too :’) ))

Simon was trying to stay positive but it was so, so hard. Because even if Astral truly tried to be better, Simon knew the god’s first instinct would always be to do whatever he pleased. Simon had already seen it plenty of times by now.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(The kid, who is now solidly in their thirties: Dad! Hi! Come on, let's go play!)
(Simon, 18: nervous laughter)

The scene from the hall was proof enough of that. Mia shuddered again some at the memory, hand going to her jaw. He'd healed her, but it still ached. The god always did leave some form of reminder…


((XD Yeah basically))
((At least Simon will maybe be allowed to do art))

For both of them really. Even though Simon hadn’t been physically hurt like Mia, the memory was still painful to look back on. He really really really hadn’t liked Astral touching him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Hopefully aha, it might just depend on the day)
(Don't let him ask about where Astral gets the canvases/literally anything in the palace)
(Simon: I sure do like to art :,D)
(The art supplies: intense pain)

Astral hadn't cared until he'd gotten what he wanted anyway. What was stopping him from being like that? From taking what he wanted before 'realizing' what he was doing and apologizing.


((this is why we can’t have nice things Swim wtf))

That’s…that’s what Simon was afraid of. That Astral would apologize and apologize but nothing would get better. He just hoped at the bare minimum, he could get Astral to not touch him anymore.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

((But wouldn't be incredibly in character for Astral to turn people into like paint and pencils just so their body is constantly torn apart and spread everywhere))

It would be a hard thing to do, since Astral was a very touchy-feely person who still wanted to check on the baby and cuddle. It would take a lot of strength to keep himself from touching Simon again.


((it would be but that doesn’t mean I have to like it :( ))

((I’m honestly surprised Astral likes cuddles lol. Simon in his next life probably wouldn’t mind tbh))

Simon would be relatively okay with that as long as Astral just asked first. He could deal with it.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Oh in Simon's next life he's probably just going to be carried e v e r y w h e r e, Astral's never gonna give him up)(Never gonna let him down. Never gonna run around and desert him)

Not to mention the fact Astral really would have to check on the baby, make sure there were no complications and Simon and the child were healthy. He had no idea what was going to happen with this pregnancy. He'd helped humans give birth before, but never a demigod child before.


((He’ll probably be fine with that tbh))
((did you just rickroll me???))

Simon was honestly so scared for when it would happen and he definitely would be glad that Astral at least knew how it normally worked. Even so…it was doubtful Simon would come out of it physically okay. He’d take a good while to recover.