forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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((Oof and that’d probably be the first time that Simon would actually really fight back, and just kick and scream because he’s absolutely terrified of Astral at this point.))

Simon didn’t even know if they’d be allowed to die trying. He just wanted Astral to leave them alone, to let them be at peace.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral wouldn't give a flying fuck at that point, just kind of pinning Simon's limbs in place and carrying him off to figure out what he was going to use him for)

Mia did to. It's why she didn't want Astral trying to 'fix things' between them. That meant he'd be around more, and it was just going to stress them.


((But imagine, if at that point maybe the kid’s in their early teens and they hear what’s going on and interfere :’) ))

Simon hadn’t even really thought about that. But maybe that’s why he wanted things to be fixed automatically, so they wouldn’t have to deal with the stress anymore.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Oo, they yell at Astral themself and Astral is Shooketh so they manage to get Simon out of his arms and take Simon to their own room for hugs because he's still their Dad)

Mia was just scared this 'fixing' was going to end up with Simon in even more pain than now.
"We'll be okay…"


((Hhhhh Simon would feel so bad for making the kid take care of him but he just can’t do it himself at that moment.))

“We’ll be okay…” he echoed. He just hoped they really would be. He wanted them all to be happy together.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(The kid just kinda curls up on Simon's lap and admits that Astral scares them too because of what he does to people, and they're definitely crying as they hug Simon)

Mia closed her eyes again, rubbing Simon's back.
"We will." It was as if they said it enough, it might come true.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(The kid cuddles close and of course this ends up being their first real bonding time together and it's about how horrible Astral is)
(And it's all before Mother finds out about the child and tries to destroy their soul because they shouldn't exist for a reason)

Mia was glad she had Simon, too. She hugged back, patting his head.


((Ofc ;-; poor babies))

((hEcC I’m really scared for when that’s gonna happen))

Simon enjoyed the gentle touches, they made him feel safe. A lot of the time he needed stuff like this, just someone to take care of him.


((Fuckin Astrallllllllll. This is why we can’t have that happen ;-;))
((I feel like she’d either be really angry or just be like “Um this is mine now” and take them.))

Simon hoped so. He’d need someone to take care of him. He just hoped he could return the favor one day.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Exactlyyyyyyy we need them to get along for god's sake -)~- )

(Probably both. Simon will prob have to talk her out of flat out destroying them, but then she'll just take them away)

Mia hummed softly, looking down at Simon a moment.
"How you doing?" She asked. always periodically, always checking in on her friend.