forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Simon nodded, leaning back in bed again, silent permission for Astral to leave. He wasn’t looking anywhere near Mia, or squeezing her hand like he normally would. He knew she was trying to protect him but…well- he was just upset.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Torin's not getting out of his spirit breaking Jar experience~)

Astral pulled away, letting out a breath as he closed the door and left.
Mia watched him go, her hand giving Simon's a squeeze.
"We have to be careful."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia pulled her hand to her chest some when Simon pulled away. She looked to the side, letting out a breath.
"You told me to make sure you didn't trust him too quickly," she pointed out. "I've… I've already seen him trick you into believing everything was okay once, Simon, I… I don't want to have to watch it happen again…" Mia really was just worried for Simon, in the end.


“I-I know….” he said softly, looking down at his lap. “I just…I want it so bad. I know that’s stupid but I…I just want it.” He said, sniffling softly as he reached a hand up, wiping off some rapidly appearing tears on his sleeve.


Simon didn’t respond. At the moment he almost felt…angry with her. He didn’t want to be careful. He didn’t want to have to doubt everyone’s true intentions around every turn. He knew she was just looking out for him but he wasn’t used to living like this.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Do I smell a fight coming? >:3)

Mia fell quiet as well, pulling away from Simon. She was just trying to help him, the way he'd told her to even. They had to doubt everything, because they were dealing with a god here, one who'd tricked and hurt people for centuries.


((I mean idk maybeeeeeee))
((Ooooooh good drama idea. I mean Simon’s definitely gonna try and rush things mostly because I have very little patience lmao))

“I’m sorry.” He said after a moment. “I’m just…I’m not used to this. I usually just do whatever I want. No ones ever there to warn me about the consequences.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I don't have much either, aha, why make them wait out the entire healing process when they could give in a bit too early and have a harder time while still doing cuddles?)
(Astral's trying to not rush but he'll fail if he's pushed to)

"It's okay, Simon. It'll take some time to get used to this." Mia let out a soft breath, turning to face Simon fully.