forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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((I mean idk man, that’d at least be one less thing for everyone to hold over his head lol))
((But hhhhh I think the kid would probably try and make Simon remember because they miss their dad :( ))

He most likely would. And if there were occasions where he slipped up, he’d be quick to correct himself again.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Yeaah let's not then lol)
(For sure. The Child is now the Adult and they're like "oh hi Dad! :D")

Every time Simon would slip up, Astral would see. He only cared about Simon, after all. No one else. The only reason he would be good to them would be for Simon to be happy with him.


((Simon, who’s 18 and the kid who’s like…at least in his 30s at this point: uhhhh what??))

No doubt Simon would work extra hard to make sure he wouldn’t mess up. He wanted Mia to be happy. He just had to hope Astral wouldn’t hurt her.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(oop- Pretty much XD)
(Astral would be so concerned when he finds out Simon is sick)
(Simon: sneezes)
(Astral: Oh, bless you)
(Evan: did- did he just get blessed by an actual god??)

Astral wouldn't hurt her, so much as… put her away. She didn't need to be out. Mia knew Astral thought like that, and it's why she was shaking.


((Astral: thank GOD I was about to just kill him myself))
((Evan would not like handing Simon over to Astral. He can just tell that Astral’s a bad dude.))

Simon knew to some degree that Astral thought like that. He saw humans as objects instead of people that breathe and think and feel.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Yeah… it's not like he has much of a choice, though. What would Simon think at first?)

He did. Hell, almost everything in the palace was a soul- it was easier to change them than make something from scratch, after all.


((Simon of course wouldn’t see anything suspicious but from the way Simon acts, Evan is pretty sure Simon’s in a cult))

Somehow though, Simon wasn’t completely terrified of the god. Astral had treated him with some degree of humanity….sometimes.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Simon is 100% in a cult. It just so happens to have a pantheon that's really)

Sometimes. Astral had said he'd try to be better, too, to treat Simon with more humanity. He wasn't brainwashing Simon. Not at all. It's normal not to be afraid of Astral.


((Evan literally just living his normal life when this weird cult kid shows up and now you have to take care of him because he has a cold but has apparently never been sick a day in his life before and then this god that’s his…lover??? shows up in your house in the middle of the day to take cult kid with him and you have no idea what to do anymore))

Simon kept a close eye on her, ready to wake her up if any nightmares got too much for her to deal with.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(That's totally not an existential crisis waiting to happen) Wouldn't it be horrible if because Evan interacted with Astral Derlik more gods would be attracted to him?

Mia let out a soft whine in her sleep, her head going up against Simon's chest. They were mostly about Astral, her time trapped on the coffee table.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Anywhere's safer than with Derlik Unless Kye's there too) Okay now all I'm thinking is Alec and Derlik have a History of butting heads and I'm laughing too much.)

Mia whined again softly, pressing closer to Simon. It didn't look like things were too bad, though.