forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"If he wants to." Mia doubted he did, though. She fully believed he was just toying with them until the baby was born, and then he'd stick them on a shelf, or maybe turn them into toys for the baby.


Simon…well, let’s just say he always tried to see the best in people. Even if they didn’t deserve it. His mind would focus in on any little kindness and use it to believe that that person could be like that again. He was most definitely doing that with Astral at the moment.


((Duuuuude I’ve been internally crying about that whole possibility of Simon going nonverbal after he’s free from Astral’s brainwashing and you’re going to have to suffer through all the angsty headcanons I’ve made (most of them involving the kid too tbh) in the morning :’) ))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(oh boy ;w;)
(I too come with terrifying idea: The complete control. But on Mia.)

Mia… Was a pessimist. Even if she saw just the smallest bit of her, she would never trust the person in case they did something to her.
Mia stayed close to Simon, eyes closed as they held each other.


“Mia?” He asked softly. “What are we gonna do? If things don’t work out?” He sounded so fragile, so scared of the answer. He really needed things to work out.

((Sooooooo for one, Simon wouldn’t just go nonverbal, he’d stop moving around and pretty much not do anything except sit, and stare at a wall, all day. He doesn’t even respond if you grab his hand or anything. For two, imagine…if the kid was old enough to remember when Simon still talked and moved around and seemed happy. So they go, and they visit Simon all the time, and talk to him even though Simon never talks back. The kid’s the only one Simon acknowledges to any degree. Sometimes he’ll squeeze their hand, or smile at them softly, but that’s really it. Also imagine, when the kid was younger, and they’d keep asking Astral what happened to Simon :) ))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I… I don't know," Mia said softly. "I don't know what we could do…" If it was anything at all. She hug Simon tight, patting his back.

(Oh god… Astral wouldn't go anywhere near Simon, of course, except perhaps to feed him. And the kid always ends up going into the room with Simon when Astral's working and just tells him about their day, and sometimes they sit on his lap and sometimes they sit at his feet with their toys. Usually Mia will be the one to come in and get the child when it's time to leave and you very much get the sense that Mia is slowly replacing Simon as the second parental figure against her will)


“Y-Yeah I figured…” he said, expecting the answer but being disappointed by it nonetheless.

((Omg that’d be so sad. Simon would definitely ignore her too then. Simon somehow still manages to take care of himself. The most action he ever takes is making sure Astral stays the hell away from him. He hates him wholeheartedly now.))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(And it's not like Mia has a choice, since Astral's controlling her then, but Simon has no way of knowing. And Astral does visit eventually, but always under the threat that if Simon lashes out he'll go back under Astral's control)

"But we'll make this work out, one way or another," Mia assured. She hugged Simon closer, eyes opening a moment to look down at him.


((Yeah :/ and Simon of course then wouldn’t lash out but in the most annoyed way he possibly can))

“Y-yeah….” Simon hugged her tightly, hiding his face in her shoulder. He was worried, of course he was, but what could he do about it?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(One day Astral just kinda snaps and picks Simon up, and very much quotes the rp title, and then he just kinda… yeah he just does whatever the hell he wants to at that point because this obviously didn't work out and he officially isn't going to ever try to be nice to anyone but the Child)

"We'll get through this…" One way or another, even if they died trying. Mia hummed gently, trying to help Simon calm down.