forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Emile nodded, quietly making his way out of the room, trying to find somewhere where he’d have a bit of privacy. Once he finally did find an empty space, he pulled one of the knives he currently had on him and with no hesitation whatsoever, slashed his forearm. The cut wasn’t super deep but of course, with this being a demonic way of communication, it required blood. He touched his other hand to the cut, getting enough blood on his fingers to begin drawing a pattern on a different part of his forearm.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Alright, then." Astral shook his head some again. Edgy, indeed. Whenever humans tried to make contracts with gods all they had to do was write a freaking letter addressed to them.
Astral had accepted most, of course, those stupid enough to demand things of him in a special box under his bed.


Emile muttered a few words under his breath and the call connected. “Hello???” Emile said questioningly, surprised because for once it was actually quiet. After a moment there was a response.
“Emile! Are you okay?”
Emile chuckled softly, a smile instantly coming to his face at hearing Alec’s voice. “Yeah Yeah I’m fine. Were you worried about me?”
“Uhh nope definitely not.”
“YES HE WAS, THE WHOLE HOUSE IS CLEAN.” A different voice yelled from the background and Emile laughed. There was an audible sound of someone getting hit by something, and a loud ‘ow!!’ that followed before Alec spoke again.
“Anyway, you sure you’re fine? And Simon’s okay?”
“Yeah…yeah we’re both doing okay at the moment.”
“So what’s the bad news, you wouldn’t be calling otherwise.”
Emile sighed gently. “Well it seems I’m gonna be here for awhile.”
Alec’s voice, which had grown more relaxed, instantly sounded more tense again. “What? Why?”
“I’m just gonna help out for awhile, and Astral wants me to stay here.” Before Alec could say anything else, most likely some very not nice things about Astral, Emile quickly added on. “He’s here right now by the way so play nice.”
Alec sighed heavily before grumbling out “fine.”

((Also yes Alec stress cleans and it’s hilarious))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

("WHOLE HOUSE IS CLEAN" I love this so much XD)

Astral didn't react much to the conversation continued on, but he did have to hold back a laugh. What was normally something Astral would have exploded at, or anything that would have upset him, he had to keep himself from laughing at. He really was doing his best not to freak out on anyone.


((Thank youuu XD))

Emile was glad Astral didn’t flip out about any of it. He knew the god would probably have questions for him after he was done though. “So yeah I just wanted to let you know that I won’t be home for awhile. But I’m fine, and I’ll call you whenever I can, okay?”
Alec let out another heavy sigh. “Fine.”
Emile laughed. “You’re such a baby sometimes. I’ll be back before you know it.” Of course he didn’t know that to be true but he’d say it anyway.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral glanced up as Emile spoke about leaving. The god didn't say anything of it, though, to interrupt the phone call. Hopefully it would be soon, but Astral doubted Simon would be getting better that quickly.


“I’ll call again tomorrow, okay?” Emile said softly.
“Okay…I’ll be here.”
“Okay…until tomorrow.” Before he could change his mind, he blurred the symbol on his arm, ending the call. He sighed, watching quietly as all the spilled blood began to return to his arm, before the cut sealed itself shut.


((Alec finding nitpicky reasons not to like Astral when he meets him and just leaning over to Emile and whispering “I don’t like him he’s tall”
Emile, who’s like a whole foot shorter than Alec: “….shut up. Just shut up.”))

“Yeah…like I said earlier, it’s a good thing I ended up here instead of one of the others.” Emile shrugged. “So hopefully they’ll all stay away for the moment.”