forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(>:0 Baby. Emile child. I. Alec. Asshole. Like, they made up, but. Dick. Fucker. Bad sprays with spray bottle)

"Understood." Astral was going to commit these things to memory, because he couldn't afford not to.
"I… I'm going to do my best. I know I'm not going to be perfect, not at the beginning, but I can do my best, and do better every time. And that's no excuse to be terrible at the beginning, either- I have to put all of my effort into this from the very first time, and learn from there."


((Lmaooo yeah they made up now though so it’s fiiiiiiiine. They’re in a very happy healthy relationship ;w;))
((and yes Swim you literally do the exact same lol))

He nodded. “Simon will be glad to know that you’re trying. I think he wants to forgive you and move past things, but he just doesn’t know if you feel the same.” He sighed softly, looking up at the god. “You’re going to have to work really hard. And it’s gonna get really frustrating sometimes. But it’ll be worth it.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(hopefully Astral and Simon can heal that much qwq)
(Oh that sounds like fun lol)

"It'll be worth it," Astral echoed. It felt… Strange, to think Simon wanted to forgive him after everything that had happened. He let out a soft sigh, not sure if it could be true.


((I hope so qwq))
((yes they enjoyed it lol))

Under any normal circumstances, Emile wouldn’t have wanted Simon to forgive someone who’d hurt him like Astral had. But of course these weren’t normal circumstances at all. Simon was stuck here and he would just have to make the best of it. Hopefully Astral would actually improve.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It was a good thing Astral didn't want Simon in any more pain at all, period. If he did end up hurting Simon again he'd probably let Emile strangle him.
"I… Mia isn't going to be happy about this. She'd much prefer Simon never had to see me again.'

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I knowwwwww ;';)
(But hey mind got wiped and dates the High Priestess now, and she has a new lover and they're really happy…)

"I'm… Not sure. I never… Got to know much about Mia." She was just supposed to have been a friend for his adopted daughter, not… What they became.
"I should have never treated them the way I did…"


((That’s good then at least :’) ))

“You shouldn’t have.” He agreed. This was pretty worrying. Emile was guessing it was likely she’d snap at any part of the process if her needs and desires weren’t being addressed as well. And then she’d either hurt herself, or even possibly hurt Simon.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(yeah it's very good she didn't remember the night she left the palace to be the Priestess)

"She… I'm not sure how she's going to react to me trying to make up with her. Again, she's very much on the side of leaving and never coming back… Even if it can't happen." Astral put his left hand on top of his right fist, which tightened some.


“I don’t know either but there’s also a chance she could become aggressive if you don’t do anything.” Emile said. He could understand that, she’d be frustrated that Simon could move on with his life and she couldn’t.