forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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“Well about that particular subject…you may just have to accept that he’ll never want to tell you about it. It’s something that brought him a lot of pain. He almost failed out of high school from the trauma and grief.” He said. But even as he explained this, he figured the god would go looking for answers at some point anyway.


“For just in general….I don’t think there’s really too much. Or at least nothing you probably wouldn’t have figured out already. The poor kid has a hell of a lot of triggers though, that’s for sure.” He let out a sad sigh.


“He accidentally summoned me when he was little. One of those dumb incantation things that kids dare each other to do. This was back when he lived in a big group home, and a few of the older kids dared him to do it. They thought that for sure I’d kill him and that was just…so awful to me. Simon of course had no idea that that’s what they wanted. He was such a sweet, trusting kid. And I guess I just decided that I wanted to take care of him as best I could. I went everywhere with him for awhile. No one could see me but him. All of the adults thought I was just his imaginary friend so it wasn’t a problem. But he eventually got to the age where I couldn’t do that anymore..” the story of course wasn’t completely true. Or at least, he wasn’t the one who’d experienced it. It’d been Alec that’d found Simon, and kept him company throughout his childhood. But Emile had heard the story enough times to retell it as his own.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral shook his head some.
"Kids… So, what religion you a part of, then? Christianity?" The god shifted some in his seat, tilting his head again. He didn't doubt Emile, of course, he didn't have much reason to.


“Unfortunately yeah.” He replied, rolling his eyes. “They’re a bunch of superstitious pricks- at least the humans are. Some of the angels are alright but a lot of them are dicks.” He had plenty of reasons to dislike the religion honestly.


“Eh don’t worry about it, you’ll probably be fine. A lot of the more traditional religions are dwindling in popularity at the moment, so some of those people might find their way to you.” He reassured. He had no idea what would happen to Simon’s soul if Astral really did disappear.