forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral looked to Emile one last time, then turned. He'd have to sleep in his room, then. He wasn't going to ask Emile to move out of the living room. Besides… there were worse memories out there than in the bedroom. The people were still out in the living room.


Of course Emile had full intentions of wandering around after Astral went to sleep so that sucked. He was currently debating on whether or not he should try to contact Alec, just to let him know he was okay, so the demon wouldn’t come breaking through the door in a few days.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral yawned softly, moving into his room and closing the door. He didn't let himself think, laying down. He didn't let himself think, closing his eyes. He didn't let himself think, but his body remembered, and he was repulsed. Still, he did his best to fall into a fitful sleep.


Emile meanwhile, was very conflicted and was trying to walk it off, making sure to avoid the parts of the palace where he knew Simon and Mia would be. Technically….contacting Alec didn’t violate any part of their contract?? And he wasn’t trying to escape so it should be fine?? But he also couldn’t afford to lose Astral’s trust.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Lmao me too XD)

Astral wouldn't have cared, so long as Emile actually didn't try to run. It would have been good to ask, it would have given Astral a bit more trust, he probably wouldn't have even stayed for the contact part. But, now, he was in fitful sleep, and it wouldn't be best to try to wake him up.


Emile decided he’d just go ahead and do it now, and tell Astral about it later. Besides, he really wanted to talk to Alec. He missed him already. At this point, Emile wandered into an empty room, closing the door behind him while he prepared to make the call.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral was doing his best to keep asleep, but it wasn't long before he sat up, breathing heavily and sweat beading down his face. He breathed deeply to calm himself and clear the nightmares from his mind, hand going to his forehead. He wasn't going to get any sleep here, was he.


And Emile was once again hesitating. He really needed to keep Astral’s trust or this could all go downhill so quickly. He could…he could just wait a few hours until Astral woke up and ask him then. He let out a soft sigh.


Emile wandered back out of that room, continuing to wander around for a bit longer, figuring out the lay of the land until he eventually wandered back into the main area where Astral was. “Oh hey. You up already?” It really hadn’t been that long.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Had a hard time staying asleep." Astral moved to go sit down, glass held in his hands. "I probably won't be getting any in that room any time soon." The god looked down at his water, sighing softly.


“Mm…That’s unfortunate.” He said, walking closer to Astral, leaning against the counter. “Hey I was meaning to ask you. Is it okay if I contact the people I was staying with, just to let them all know that I’m okay? Because if I don’t get in touch with them soon, one of them will show up here and they’re a lot less….reasonable than I am.”