forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Hopefully for the rest of this life, at least. Afterwards, in the next, Simon's soul is getting sent straight to the High Priestess, and she's going to raise the perfect toy for Astral, so he can do what he wants without hurting Simon.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I didn't have a choice my parents dragged me away ;w;)

Astral would have Simon raised to adore him, crave any contact with him, be willing to do anything to serve him. And he would take care of him when he was old enough, be his lover, give him all the attention he could want.


((Big oof ;w;))

Simon, of course, would realize what had happened if he ever recovered the memories of his past life. But knowing Astral, the god would find a way to avoid that from happening. No doubt, Simon would struggle in the beginning of his next life with the concept regardless of having his past memories or not. That’d definitely result in some….discipline from the people supposedly raising him.

((On the very small one side of it…yay Simon will get someone to love him again and then there’s the rest of it which is like 95% of it where “oh no that’s hardcore manipulation and probably going to be very unhealthy for Simon”))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral would take care of the memories. Make them insignificant. He'd make sure Simon spent the rest of his current life knowing he had changed for the better.
The god really did play the long game.

(Yeah, like, he'll get a loving mother, but he's going to be trapped in the back rooms of the temple and not allowed to interact with anyone but priestesses as he grows up.)
(Also if we do it it might be interesting for him your manage to escape a few days before he's 18 and scheduled to go to Astral and getting a taste of what he was missing out on and not wanting to go-)


And of course, Simon would believe it. And he’d be happy, so happy, that Astral had changed. He’d die thinking that Astral wouldn’t hurt anybody else, not suspecting that he’d just be the next victim.

((Yeah he’s not gonna like that :( ))
((Yesssssssss. For bonus angst points we could always add in a run in with Evan in his next life time))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(yesssssss. He and Evan only get to spend a few days together in this life but they feel a bit drawn together)
(Astral's gonna show up to get Simon and he's like- wait this isn't the temple Simon what are you doing out here, are you okay? You aren't hurt are you??)
(Oh nooo…)

It's not like Astral would just go back into torturing Simon. There'd just be… more of a power dynamic between them that Astral would feel more comfortable with. He'd just have a bit more control over Simon, and it would be okay.


((I meannnnn I did low key decide that they’ve been together or found each other in all of their lifetimes ;) ))
((Simon and Evan just like :O ))
((Yeahhhh it’s okay tho all good now!))

There was about a 50/50 chance over whether Simon would be okay with it or not. It really just depended on how much they would mess with his mind growing up, and how much he would get exposed to on his own.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral, who forgot to look human: What? Something wrong? Come on, Simon, it's time to go)

Seeing as he probably wouldn't see anyone outside of brainwashed priestesses until a few days before he was eighteen, it didn't look good.
Not to mention what would happen to Mia.
At least she'd always be with him.


((Simon would probably low key throw a fit because he now doesn’t want to go))
((Also I think- for irony’s sake, how they run into each other is Simon’s just so awestruck by everything and almost steps in the middle of a busy road and Evan just yanks him onto the sidewalk like “dude what are you doing??”))

Yeah there was a very high chance that, at least in the beginning, Simon would let Astral treat him any way the god wanted. But over time, even if he couldn’t necessarily know that it was wrong, he’d begin to just feel like everything was wrong.


@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral would be so confused until he realized who Evan was and then he'd really want to get Simon away)
(omg yessss. Astral would be grateful for Evan not letting Simon die XD)

Astral wasn't going to be horrible to Simon- if anything, compared to the High Priestess, he'd spoil Simon to the ends of the earth. He'd give Simon everything he could ever want, except freedom. That was Atral's to keep.

(mmmm… you know that trope where kids have pendants or lockets or necklaces when given away/not with their real parents? :D)


((Yeahhhhhhhh true lol))
((Astral like “well fuck I guess I can’t kill you now”))

It was only a matter of how accommodating Astral would really be for Simon. After all, he could be quite a handful, especially with the few little pieces of trauma he’d managed to drag with him from his past life.

(( D: poor Mia. Simon’s definitely gonna almost lose it literally every other day, especially when he’s a kid))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral, looking long and hard at Evan as he picks Simon up: I'm not taking you too now run along)

Astral would do his best, in the end, whether that be good or bad. Mostly good, though. Hopefully. For sure, yeah.

Mia snuggled a bit closer, eyes closed as she drifted in and out of consciousness.

(Ahahahaha she's gonna get abandonment issues and a fear of being alone :D)


((Evan having no idea who Astral is and why he’s taking the dude who acts like he’s been living under a rock lmao))

Simon held her close, humming softly under his breath to help her fall asleep. It had been a pretty stressful ordeal for her so Simon would understand why she needed to sleep it off.

(( D: noooooooo))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral would be glad for that aha)
(Wait how would Alec and Emile react to all of this-)

Mia finally managed to drift off. She tucked her head under Simon's chin, trembling slightly. She didn't like any of this…

(Like- imagine when Simon gets back some vague memories of Mia and he's just pondering about this woman out loud while fidgeting with the medallion he's had since birth, completely unaware)


((Oop good question- I think they’d probably leave him alone unless Simon was actually really being hurt because they know there’s not really anything they can do to help him. Just let him live in blissful ignorance))

It bothered Simon to see his friend hurting this much. He just hoped things would get better, if not for his sake than hers.

((Mia just like :/))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Okay! I'm sure the High Priestess won't do anything to Simon physically and there's really nothing they can do for that)
(:00 The C h i l d I need to figure out how they react-)

They would be, for Simon. It might not be for Mia, though. Simon would have to remember to keep her safe.

(She'd be crying silently lol)
(Simon: Aha my medallion's leaking again why does it do that?)