forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"This way," Mia said with a hum. She gave Simon's hand a light squeeze as she was pulled along, moving to take the lead.

(The Astral book- it records all his thoughts and emotions For Mother to easily access at any point in time and Simon would totally see just what Astral plans for like, everything, and would reveal what all's going on with his soul uwu)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Simon: Oh this book has Astral's name on it)
(Simon: He plans to do what when I die?!?!)

Mia led Simon through the hallways, finally getting to the door. She opened it, letting Simon going in first.
"So, what do you want to read?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Because then he can try to prepare himself some and grieve and come to acceptance early on. And drama, drama is good too)
(asdfghj I almost did too lol)

"Okay, then, I will too. If I'm not doing that then I'll probably be sitting down." Mia hummed, moving to take a few steps away.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Simon's just terrified of what's going to happen in the birth and Astral's promising he'll keep Simon safe and they'll get him the spinal injections so he isn't in pain)
(But when the birth comes and the baby's out Astral has to get the baby cleaned up because they have mucus buildup in their throat and can't breathe but Simon is def slowly dying from it and Astral's barely able to get back in time to save him too)
(And you can bet this baby is going to cause Simon some Issues while he's still preggo)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(vvy scared)
(And hopefully, yeah. It'll def remind Astral of just how fragile Simon really is)
(There will be cracked ribs and intense pain :D)

Mia looked up when Simon came over, shifting some so she was pressed against him ever so slightly. So she could make sure he was still there without looking at him constantly.


((Astral really does need to be reminded lol))
((Oh damn))

Simon didn’t mind, leaning against her slightly as well as he opened up the book, beginning to read. It’d be nice, to just let himself get lost in a book for awhile.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Oh this child is going to be very strong and a kicker :D Not to mention I've finally come up with a design for them and they're going to also have something floating over their head so that won't cause problems at a l l)

It was. Their own little escape into a different world, if only for a little bit. It's what Mia wanted for them, permanently. To escape.


((Simon’s just gonna be like “your kid’s an angry little goblin like what the fuck” OH YEAH THAT WONT CAUSE PROBLEMS AT ALL))

Simon wanted it too, he just didn’t think they could. So he’d just settle for this, escaping temporarily as much as he could.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral has no idea why. The kid just wants to move lol AND YEAH THAT"S NOT GOING TO BE PAINFUL AT ALL PRESSING INTO SIMON)

Mia wouldn't settle. She'd work to make it a reality. She leaned a bit more into SImon, content for now.


((Simon is gonna be suffering damnnnnnnn. He just gives Astral like constant death glares. Also the kid totally just starts kicking in like the middle of the night.))

Simon was reading a bit slowly at first, but got faster as he went on, getting more used to it again. It’d been awhile since he read anything.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Yeahhhhh. It's kinda cute at the beginning because 'aww the babies moving' but progressively becomes more constant and painful)

Mia let out a content sigh as she read. She'd read this book in particular hundreds of times, but it was her favorite, and she could never tire of it.