forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(:00 the baby moves more when they can tell Simon's in distress/pain but just end up hurting him more and it turns into a vicious cycle–)

Mia was happy, as much as one could be in a situation similar to this one. At least Astral wasn't there. Mia leaned her head on Simon for just a moment, still reading.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Distractions make for a totally healthy and non harming coping mechanism. Mia loved them. She smiled again, halfway through her book already.

(How far along is Simon again? And when should the baby become violent on accident kick for the first time?)
(I'm also drawing them right now and they decided to be Genderless so good for them)


Simon had picked up a pretty big book, and had read about a third of it by this point. He was glad he’d thought of this.

((About 3 1/2 months I think??? And honestly whenever we want ig))
((yessss Simon will help them trans their gender if they want))
((Also my partner absolutely hates Astral now and I told them about the snuggles we had planned and they were just like “NOOOOOOO” ))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia was glad he had as well. She let out a quiet hum as she read, head still against Simon. She was enjoying her book, even though it was ratty and the ink had been smudged in places by liquids that had dried long ago.

(Poor Simon this is going to have a loooong pregnancy)
(And babies start moving about 4 1/2 months in so we'll wait)
(yessssss. They won't have any Reproductive Bits because gods and mortals aren't compatible enough for that, but they have a more fem build)
(XD There are gonna be a lot more moments like that aren't there)


Simon took a quick break, leaving his hand in the book to mark the page but closing it over gently. He blinked quickly, his eyes just itching a bit.

((Yeah :’) ))
((Cool cool))
((we stannnnnnnn))
((Oh yeah definitely XD))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Oh they should go to the zoo!!)

Neither of them had no idea how close Simon had come to losing Mia. How close he'd come to being all alone here, with Astral.
Mia was still smiling, letting out a happy hum of agreement.


(( :0 they should!! Simon would enjoy it :) ))

That would….that would not have been good at all. Simon would’ve been so afraid if he was all by himself. But at the very least, then Astral wouldn’t be able to use her against him anymore.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral would too lol)
(Well I'm yeeting them in because :P)

Simon had no idea what Astral would have been willing to do if need be to Mia. He could still easily make her… disappear, one day, or turn her into a trinket again. Simon could still be made to be very, very afraid.
Speaking of, the sound of soft footsteps could be heard in the library shelves, coming towards them.


((They definitely have to have a fight with a random Karen who decides to bother them, for no reason except that it’d be funny.))
((Great, Simon loves the big housecat :P ))

Simon didn’t doubt it, he’d just do his best not to give Astral a reason to.
He looked up when he heard the footsteps, not sure who it was. “Hello?” He called out softly.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Random Karen: How dare you force that child to partake in your sinful ways sodomites!!)
(Astral, leaning a bit towards Simon: Can I smite her, please?)
(We do love big housecat Except Mia but that's okay)

Mia looked up as well, tensing some. It didn't go away when the source of the footsteps revealed themselves- it was just the leopard, looking at Simon and tilting their head. They made their way over, sniffing at Simon before nudging against his hand.


((Simon just like: yeah fuckin get her))
((oof poor Mia))

Simon smiled when he saw the leopard appear. “Oh hi there friend.” His smile only widened when the leopard nuzzled his hand. “Oh thank you.” He said, carefully petting the big cat’s head.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral: With pleasure-)
(Astral, when the trip is over, has a New Trinket and a stronger bond with Simon and the child)
(Everything scares her at this point)

The leopard leaned into Simon's hand, licking his wrist. Mia pulled away a little bit, watching the cat with weary eyes.
"What's it doing in here?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The leopard didn't purr, seeing as big cats couldn't, but it looked content with the petting. So content, in fact, the leopard rested their head in Simon's lap, tail flicking some.
"Okay, then…"