forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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((But imagine sometime in probably very far future….Simon and Astral on earth and they see some random happy couple and Astral’s just like “why can’t we be like that??? :(“ Simon, after taking a calm sip of his drink: “because you’re a dick ._.”))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Oof… Astral wouldn't be able to sit well with that very much aha)

Simon, after taking a calm sip of his drink: “because your dick ._.”))

For now, yes, everything was. The leopard had fallen asleep on Simon's lap, which let Mia relax completely.
"How's the book so far?"


((Oof for him))
((Simon: this is strictly for appearances. Them like a month later: constant cuddles when it’s time for bed))

“It’s good, I like it so far.” He said, speaking a little bit quieter now that the animal on his lap was asleep.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral: Understood. A month later: all the cuddles)

"Mm, I'm glad for that. I, ah, don't think you'll be getting up to get a new book any time soon…" Mia giggled a little bit, legs folded under herself.


((Simon mentally still like “ah yes just for appearances.” Simon like a month or two later, waking up from a nightmare and crying into Astral’s chest “wait a damn minute-“ ))
((Another valid reason))

Simon laughed along with her. “Yeah I guess you’re right.” He agreed. “Oh well, at least it’s for a good cause.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Aha, the best form of character development: fake lovers to lovers XD)

"Mhm… we could always switch books when we both finish." Mia chuckled, arms around her knees as she came to the end of the book.


((Simon showing up to tell Mia that he’s once again caught the feels like “hey bestie don’t hurt me 👉🏼👈🏼“))

“True!” He checked his book, seeing that she’d finished hers. “I have about a hundred pages left of this one and then you can read it if you want.” He offered.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(They would so much lol)
(Mia, huffing: I want to murder Astral so much for what he does to Simon but I'm too terrified)
(Alec: I might be of some help–)

"Okay! You're welcome!" Mia smiled, heading off into the library shelves and dissapearing.


((Simon: dad no I love him D: ))
((Alec: Simon sweetie what you feel is Stockholm syndrome, now just let me stab him a few times- ))

Simon went back to reading, beginning to hum a soft tune as he did so, still absentmindedly petting the leopard with his other hand.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Mia: This is not love. This is desperation and proximity to a literally hot god of the sun)
(Mia: I wish to stab as well)

The leopard yawned some in their sleep, rolling some and pressing their head into Simon's stomach slightly. Mia eventually came back with a small stack of books, smiling some.


((Alec: no worries, there’s plenty of stab for everyone to have a turn ))
((Simon: D: guys please))

Simon stopped his humming briefly, looking down at the leopard with a smile. He pat the top of their head gently before returning to his book.


((as a side note, Alec would be the coolest grandfather, he gives off like…Gruncle Stan vibes))

“I’m sure you did great.” He reassured. “Thanks again for getting them for me. I should finish this book up in the next twenty minutes.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Simon: What do you have there?)
(Mia, Alec, and the child: A KNIFE!)
(Simon: NO!!)
(Ooo the child is going to love him lol)

"Sure thing!" Mia blushed some, picking up her next short book to read while he finished up the book.


((hopefully he’s allowed to come visit lol))

Simon went back to his own book, reading a lot faster now that the book was at the turning point. He became absolutely absorbed in the book, a look of intense concentration on his face.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I'm sure if Simon or Emile asked Astral might say yes)
(And it's not like Alec will care whether he gets the okay or not oop-)

Mia glanced over occasionally, not near as absorbed into her own distraction. The leopard kept still, breathing slowly as they slept in Simon's lap.


((very true very true. He’s probably gonna still visit Simon in his next life when he’s locked up in the temple aka he’s gonna break in))

After maybe ten more minutes, Simon had finished the book. He closed it and let out a content sigh. It had a happy ending, which he enjoyed.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(The High Priestess: No one is to touch the child!)
(Alec already in the room: I touching the child!)
(High Priestess: He touching the child!!)

Mia looked over when she heard Simon's sigh, smiling some.
"Here," she said, offering the book she'd read to him. He wouldn't know, but she trusted him a lot if she was letting him touch the book.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral: Well, dear, you see…)
(Simon: He got me out of a bad situation on Earth.)
(The Child: What's Earth?)

The book was James Patterson book, surprisingly, one of his young adult novels about the Norse gods.