forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(We dooooo)

Astral smirked, some, picking up another trinket to push towards Emile.
"Does this look human to you?" He asked. "Last I checked, humans weren't made of plastic, or china, or anything other than flesh and bone!"


((Astral would lose all of his souls lmao))

“Because you made them that way!” Emile replied, getting frustrated now. He was very much still disgusted by Astral as a person, that hadn’t changed while he’d been here.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"It's a decoration." Astral rolled his eyes. "Doing one small thing for one will turn into small things for all of them, then big things, then just having hundreds of humans running around!"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral took the trinket, looking down. He was so, so tempted, it was clear. He put his hand over her, and… in a moment, he pulled it away, setting the now whole trinket on the table in front of Emile.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The trinket did look to be perfectly fine, if still fragile and prone to falling. How many times had something like this happened over the years and she'd just been left? How long would have Astral let her stay shattered like that?
Needless to say, she had a large amount of big t Trauma.

(Okay, so, unless Emile just kinda hyper focuses on this trinket and convinces Astral to somehow turn her into Not Frozen, then we probably won't hear her backstory)
(So, that being said, want me to tell it to you? ;w;)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral crossed his legs, letting out a hum.
"Satisfied?" He'd deal with the girl later.

(Okay, Backstory Time!)
(Her name is Lily, and she was about 6 years old when she was turned into a trinket. You know how Astral kinda, uh, kidnaps children on occasion to be his? And what he does with the girls when they're older? Well, she was taken at a later age, and she was constantly crying and asking for Mama, and… Astral didn't like it. At all. Eventually, he got fed up and started, you know… hurting her like he would an adult. It wasn't good, at all.)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Emile would have to keep a damn good eye on her- Astral could easily make another trinket look like her to try to fool him, and still get his hands on the whiny thing. Derlik looked between the two, eyebrow raised. This was going to be interesting.

(I know… baby girl ;-;)