forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@darling-velocipede group

Today she played the role of blue girl, denim girl, silly girl with ceramic daisy earrings and a reusable coffee thermos filled to the brim with an iced soy-vanilla latte. In her pocket she kept a notebook with each day decorated with a stripe of color, never the same as the last, rainbows spilling across pages. She knew her characters better than she knew herself. She did not know her characters well. (it's a bit of a weird experimental piece about time and also assassins)

@HighPockets group

(Oooh, you should read This Is How You Lose The Time War, it's got time-travelling spies, a trippy setting, and a beautiful f/f romance!)


Ice storms, rain, hail, sunny days, perfect weather, snow and clouds all warred for dominance for about two months before summer finally won and slowly started to begin the process of roasting everything alive.


Ice storms, rain, hail, sunny days, perfect weather, snow and clouds all warred for dominance for about two months before summer finally won and slowly started to begin the process of roasting everything alive.

Did you mean: Australia?

Deleted user

Every time it's 11:11, I still wish for you. I still wish for the sleeves of your army jacket falling past my fingertips and the smell of your cologne and the way you'd get jealous whenever a boy looked at me funny.


Ice storms, rain, hail, sunny days, perfect weather, snow and clouds all warred for dominance for about two months before summer finally won and slowly started to begin the process of roasting everything alive.

Did you mean: Australia?

Actually, the horrors of Nebraska, in the us, but it sounds like they're similar xDD

Deleted user

(How dare you make me sad about Holden)
(Why am I always getting sad about characters named Holden?)

(lmao dw, that's actually from a poem I wrote about someone irl.)
(Although there is a Holden scene that will probably make me cry.)

@Starfast group

“I’m sorry this happened to you,” Crispin muttered. He tossed the book into the river and watched as its pages became logged with water before it was lost in the thrashing waves.
Now no one needed to know.

Deleted user

The edges of my lips sting as I grin, screaming at me to use the pina colada Chapstick tucked into the back pocket of my jean shorts.

Deleted user

(A bit confusing w the "I grin, screaming at me".)

(with all due respect Domino, do not critique my writing when I posted it in a chat unrelated to critiquing, and did not ask for a critique??)