forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@The-Magician group

"It's made me realise how genuinely unnecessary my presence is there. I don't contribute anything, they don't see me as a friend. I'm nothing to them, when to me they are the ones who give me a purpose." I sat back in my chair, staring at the words I had written, and before I knew it I had thrown the pen onto the desk, and streams of tears fell from my eyes—I didn't even bother to hide them.


She smiled through her hair, which had somehow fallen down from the tight bun she always wore, blood creeping from one corner of her mouth.

@HighPockets group

Samuel stepped out of the alley, pulling his jacket tighter against the cold, just as a knife flew through the air and tore into his thigh.

Deleted user

"I didn't mean that." said Columbine quietly. "I just meant he didn't have to worry about it."

@The-Magician group

"Say it to me, and I'll leave this life behind me." his voice broke as he looked up at Miki with tears streaming down his cheeks. "Say it if it's worth saving me."

@DreadPirateRoberts group

He could only hope that she would remain oblivious to his worries, if only so that she could have a childhood before being stripped of her emotions and identity in only ten years.