forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@Reblod flag

(oops a whole dialogue)

“You grew up in Senkrei within the walls of a city. You were cushioned by wealth and power and the adoration of a family. In the real world, they’d call you lucky.”
“And what would you call me?”
Kado buried his nose in his cloak to hide his sour expression.
Mara continued without sparing him a glance, “But no matter. You’re here now. From this day to your last you will dream of your soft bed and warm hearth. You will suffer the cold from the sky and from those around you. You will endure the world as it tears your heart from your very chest. You will learn and you will survive.”

@Echo_6 group

Why have you not put the shield up?!
I'm still mad at you.
For what?!!
That argument from earlier.
I might die!!
You’re fast, you'll be fine.
You know that if I die you die right?!
And like I said, you're fast. You'll be fine.


(Context, Cador has just finished doing his sister Azizia's hair for his crowning ceremony, She is 8)
“There, now you're matching Mom and Lily but the gold is matching me. What do you think? Am I the coolest Brother or what.” Cador said admiring his handy work. Azizia was far less enthusiastic. Cador sat to look her in the eye, “Hey, what’s the matter kido.” Azizia wrapped her arms around Cador’s neck, resting her head on his shoulder.
“Are you still going to be able to play after this? Or will you be too busy?” Cador stood up picking Azizia up with him.
“I always have time for my Princess, A little crown doesn’t change that.”

@spacebluelily language

"Thomas, do you have a minute?"
"James, for you I always have time." Thomas turned around and smiled at his boyfriend. But his smile disappeared when he saw how awful his boyfriend looked.
"Oh James, what happened to you?" Thomas said in a loving, yet worried tone.

@Echo_6 group

"Do you…" she hesitated, her face turning a light pink color. "…Do you really think that… I could become strong? Like you?"

@Starfast group

“Are you sure you don’t need anything?”
“I need more time,” Gerard said.
“I was thinking more like something that I can actually do something about.”

@HighPockets group

"Terrible things happen to anyone I'm close with," Oscar said simply, and with an empty laugh. His wine glass dangled precariously from his grasp.
"Don't say that," Nathaniel said, but Oscar only shook his head. He stood up and half-stumbled from the chaise.
"It's true," Oscar insisted. "My parents, my sister, Miette and Douglas. Even Ari ended up dying, and I only knew him for what, two years?" The wine glass slid from his fingers and shattered on the floor. Oscar swayed slightly on his feet. Nathaniel took his hands and held them tightly.
"Oscar, nothing is going to happen to us."
"We both know that isn't true."

@HighPockets group

"Now, if this isn't something of the utmost importance, could you leave?" Oscar said. "I'm trying desperately to make up for nearly two decades of books I hadn't the time to read, not to mention the centuries of books written before I was born." He gestured to a precarious pile of books stacked on the table, in greatly varied conditions.
"Is this what you bought to furnish you room?" Percy asked, and Oscar shrugged.
"Anne Moses' poetry is not going to magically absorb into my brain, Percy. The books were a necessary investment."


“They took my dog.” Ronan stared blankly across the room, ignoring the blood dripping onto the carpet. “They took my fucking dog.”

@HighPockets group

"It's so odd. I catch myself saying things, empty things that I don't even believe, simply because I feel it's expected of me. I used to believe every word I said, and now I carry on conversations like some poor ventriloquist's puppet, not truly believing a single word. And I cannot for the life of me tell why."

@Echo_6 group

Let's hear it for smooth mc smooth over in the left corner. His charisma for talking to the female species definitely needs some tuning up, but given several hundred years of practice and he might just stand a chance talking to that tiger over there.
Thank you for the vote of confidence. I really appreciate your input to the already deteriorating situation.
No problem.

@Reblod flag

“What was that anyway?” His voice dropped to a taunting, conspiratorial tone. “Were you trying to seduce me?”
Moukib frowned at the ground, seemingly deep in thought. If Kado didn’t know any better he would have thought that Moukib was blushing. The demon looked back up at Kado.
<I was trying to intimidate you.>
“Oh…well there’s your problem, I didn’t even know you were trying to intimidate me,” Kado said, gesturing to Moukib with the blade.
<I…can see that.>