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Started by @Starfast group

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@tiredandconfused group

Yllmadaya considered it for a moment. She did like to hear what Varloe thought of her. It was easier to terrify the villagers by playing up the rumors about collecting human bones or putting curses on the newborn babies.


She had tried not to look so devastated when she took Will away from the door. But it showed. The old woman knew she couldn’t tell Will what had happened to his best friend, not yet. Not until they found who had murdered him.

@Mojack group

“Value it as your child or not, that thing - you designed it to be an apex predator. And even if it didn’t come out the way you wanted, one day, it’s going to grow up, and it’s going to see you, not as a family member, but as food.”

Deleted user

"it really is okay to stand up for what you believe in, even if it differs from what others think."

Deleted user

"I would characterize this situation as–bad."
"Oh really?!" Eli threw over her shoulder as she braced herself against the shockwave of her spells. How her voice dripped with that much sarcasm in the middle of a battle was truly worthy of her demi-god status.

@Echo_6 group

Kid, I hate to be the voice of reason here, but you could be walking into some kind of death trap for all you know. Also you just openly admit that you are not at full strength. What kind of idiot are you?
The kind that can spot allies when he sees them. What kind of idiot are you?


"No you didn't besides that if we were giving anything to make us pass out that we always need to be side by side in a tub a water and if were not we won't wake up for at least three day's but maybe longer I'm not sure." Loki said.


Old buildings held stories, of course. Stories of the things they had seen, the despair and the love and the life within their walls. And sometimes, they held on to pieces of those stories, like a mother collecting old shoes.

@Echo_6 group

The maniacal, ever defiant, triumphant look faded and changed. Terror, deep terrifying realization entered the titan's eyes. He was going to die, to an extremely overpowered, pissed off, demon child, that had just lost the first and only person that had ever loved him.

Deleted user

So apparently they’d absorbed the fucking Yog-Sothoth and all that came with it. And also apparently, they had turned into some vengeful god.

They did not feel very vengeful.