forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@spacebluelily language

"Look, all I have to do is convince the police force that I'm not the murderer. It should be easy enough."
The god laughs. "I'm looking forward on how you'll convince them. I mean, even your own father is getting suspicious of you and he's part of the police."
"I know, I know. It's exactly why I need to convince the that I'm not the murderer, Oshiraishi."

@Echo_6 group

We come to you this beautiful afternoon bringing you the latest in "Kid with a death wish following creepy sounds into a dark tunnel."
Please. Stop. Now.


((From a script for a jukebox musical))

JACK: I have impulse control!

RYAN: (Sarcastically) Yes, because consuming laundry detergent out of boredom is having impulse control.

KYLE: It tastes good when you’re drunk though. So does anti-freeze.

RYAN: Okay, but he wasn’t drunk-wait, what?

KYLE: (Pretending like everyone isn’t acting horrified at that information) So, who the fuck is who? Because I know none of you.

Deleted user

"when the sky comes falling down," she began, "and the moon falls off down, i'll still be here for you. even though you've used me time and time again, i can't let go."

@Reblod flag

“But maybe I crossed a line. You should at least know that I don’t see you that way. As an enemy. I suppose we can’t all defy our masters.” There was a hint of bitterness in his tone. Regret perhaps. But then he was gone, the last image of him was that of his tattered green cloak flickering on the edges of Keran’s vision.

@Starfast group

I know I should be grateful, and part of me was, but it made me more angry that he only did it for himself.
What hurts even more is that everyone believed him. To this day people still talk about my father like he was some kind of ally.

@Echo_6 group

"No," Chail's voice spoke up from behind them. Her shaking had stopped. Now she stood in her full wolf form nearly six foot at the shoulder, her red fur gleaming. "This is my battle. I ran once. Never again."

@itz_luna_eclipse15 fastfood

"that's a good question thats why i needed your permission slips back were going on a field trip this afternoon so make sure you packed all your stuff like i requested the bus leaves at 6:30 so be at the bus stop by 6:00 class dismissed" Said Mrs.sariyah

@spacebluelily language

"She's gone, Azula," Sora said as she looked out to the ocean, her eyes glistening with tears. "I want her back as much as you do, but it's just impossible. No one knows where she is, or if she's even still alive."

@ElderGod-kirky group

Yeah, I’m probably an ass. His disappointed sigh morphed into a bored stare, hiding his thoughts from the world as the coffee shop came into view. Yup, definitely an ass.

@spacebluelily language

(Absolutely nothing.)

"I have no idea what you're talking about, John. I don't have hidden drugs. I haven't shot the wall either. And I absolutely didn't put a human head in the fridge."
"Wait wh-" John said as he opened the fridge door and the first thing he saw was a human head. He sighed and slammed the door shut. "Why do you have to be like this?"

@Echo_6 group

The room was silent. Kye and Hunter were staring at the door that had just closed, and Chail was gone.
"Every last one," Hunter breathed.
"The Fifteen…" Rage began emanating off of Kye. "And the universe knows nothing of it. The bastards!"
He didn't know who he was talking about anymore. He was beyond pissed.

@Echo_6 group

"Daddy, tell me the story again!" the small boy pleaded. Kye smiled at him and sat back.
"Not tonight. You need to go to sleep. Besides. Your mother will be telling your story tomorrow," he said.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

“I think that’s why people believe in God,” she said aloud, “the feeling your prayers might change your destiny…” She sighed, “I only wish I could have that.”
“There is no God,” Octavia grumbled. “If there really was a loving man in the sky we wouldn’t have to deal with this shit.”

@HighPockets group

I feel like Dom and I were writing on the same wavelength lol

"If there are gods," Tabitha said, her voice sharp, "they've done nothing for me. Certainly nothing worth praising."