forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@larcenistarsonist group

“Ugh, I’m so stupid,” Xander muttered, resting his head in his hands. He paused for a second, processing what he just said. “Shit, did I say that out loud.”

“Mhmm,” Will responded, busying himself with picking at his nails.

@larcenistarsonist group

“Oh!” He cried, taking a step back. “Sorry, I didn’t think anyone would be out here.”

Three’s eyes only stayed on him for a few milliseconds before going back to searching the forest around her. “Kid, get out of here.”


A small whirring noise came from the bushes. Three’s eyes went wide, her mouth fell open. Her instincts took over. In less than a second, she tackled the boy just as barrage of bullets hit the wall where his head had formerly been.

@larcenistarsonist group

Porter's face went bright pink. “Uh- well… Uhm… Yeah, but-” Henry patted his head, his piercing gaze never leaving the forest. “But it’s probably just an animal, nothing worth writing down in your book.”

“Everything is worth writing down,” Henry contradicted.

@Echo_6 group

Hey! Did you know that our sun is actually much older than most stars in the galaxy therefore making it more likely that it will go supernova on us at some point?
…. Kye, I was having a good day…

@larcenistarsonist group

“Sorry ‘bout that,” Alex pulled Sam up onto his chair without disturbing his slumber. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Y-you’re fine,” Conner stammered as Alex took the seat on the other side of him.

@Echo_6 group

“We’re aliens from another planet that is currently under attack from another other planet who has an army that is trying to take over the galaxy by using these things called cuts that form on our planet which we have been defending for years which is why we need to find a way to get back there because we were actually starting to push them back when we were dropped through a cut that just so happened to throw us here and then you attacked me because strange man decked out in war gear right where your bad guys were so why not anyways that’s why we’re here and why we need to get back.”

@larcenistarsonist group

Charlie had this look in his eyes that made Jeremy thankful he was sitting down because they made him weak in the knees. They shone with sheer determination and protectiveness. The Enperry heir stood, offering a hand to him. Jer hesitantly took it, allowing his leader pull him to his feet and into a hug. Jer gripped the back of Charlie's shirt and cried into his shoulder. Charlie held him tight before releasing the embrace.

@larcenistarsonist group

The siblings shared a glance as their teammates wrapped their arms around them, pulling them into a four-person hug. A small smile tugged at the corners of Adrien's lips, a tear rolled out of his eye but he was quick to wipe it up.

Natasha laughed and offered a large smile, it was the first one Adrien had seen in years.

He happily returned it with equal intensity.

Deleted user

6th July 1003
It hath did happen, mine father did giveth me his blessing and his most prized living to taketh with me. The ships art complete, and in a fortnight, I sail for the Land in the North and acquire mine fortune.

@larcenistarsonist group

“Do you… wanna talk about it?”

Gabby violently shook her head. It was painful enough to remember, speaking about it just seemed unbearable. “How can I help?” Carson asked, furrowing his magenta eyebrows. He pulled away from the hug so he could look her in the eyes. He rubbed comforting circles on her back. “Gabs, please I want to help.”

Gabby sniffed, her hands still tightly entangled in Carson's shirt. “S-stay-” She choked out with a sob. “St-stay with m-me.”

@Echo_6 group

“That’s because some of us are better at faking it. We know the social cues, so we know how we’re supposed to react to different things,” Tolkalee explained.

@larcenistarsonist group

"I would not be angry if the sun exploded on us right now," Nico sighed, scrolling through his social media.

"Ha," Kyle barked, taking another shot of vodka and slamming the glass down hard on the table. "That's a mood."


Emilee, realizing that she was being addressed, nodded frantically with what she hoped was an appropriately traumatized expression.