forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@HighPockets group

Kels took Pietyr by the arm and flung him onto his back, pinning a knee against his chest.
"You are lucky that I do not kill you on the spot," she spat, pressing the tip of her knife to the bob of his throat. "And if we did not need your certifications…I would."

Deleted user

“Do not be sorry. My scars tell a story I otherwise could never tell. They remind me how the world tried to break me, but I am still standing here because it failed, and I won.”


So when the body of the young boy was found impaled, limbs missing and blood spewed over the marble stones in the center of town, suddenly Oria wasn’t the ordinary town it had once been.

@Echo_6 group

You're insane!
We established this the first day we were stuck together, commenting on it for the billionth time is not going to change that fact.

Deleted user

She always described the feeling as watching your favorite stars fade from the sky and not being satisfied with the trillions you can still gaze upon.

@sock group

The two were squished into a narrow cabinet, waiting for… he didn't know - something. Like the countless times before, Pira still refused to explain.

Deleted user

“Can we agree not to use that word again?” The boy asked, his emotions skillfully indecipherable as they sat behind impenetrable, ice blue orbs. “It is much too late for trust.”

@Starfast group

A satisfactory grin played across the King’s face as though he were doing them a favour. Keyla might have seen it that way had he not murdered her parents and kidnapped her so that she could be here.

@JustALostM book

“Hey girl. It’s not going to be fun and games… I don’t care what my sister Zee said to you But…” Dee grumbled, “Whatever… Good luck.” You’re going to your death… Dee thought.


“Before you decide to say anything Tony just remember that we can make your life miserable if you say something that either one of us doesn’t like so make sure that you don’t say anything stupid.”