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Started by @Starfast group

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@Reblod flag

It was a painting more than it was reality; the likeness of a hero at the dusk of their odyssey, the final battle won and celebrations had.

@Echo_6 group

"With respect ma'am, if you think she's just going to walk away from her people just because her life is at risk you'll be very disappointed."

@requiemisback language

Kittan sighed. "I don't get paid enough for this," she said, rubbing her temples. "Now that I think of it, I don't get paid at all. I'm gonna have a talk with that damn quack."

Deleted user

Does fanfic count, cause…

"Don't flatter him too much, my lighthouse, it'll get to his head," he was laughing, Edith did the same, they all spoke quietly, muffling their laughter in order to let the little one sleep.


"At some point, he decided that he was the protagonist of some teen coming of age movie and that I, for being blonde and a cheerleader and not bowing at his feet, was his antagonist."

@requiemisback language

Hachi spit in Jouta's face, which caused Jouta to prepare to punch them. Kit placed her hand on Jouta's shoulder, then calmly walked up to Hachi and slapped them across the face. "Ow- Screw you!!" Hachi exclaimed.


“Writing passive-aggressive love songs about Axl Rose isn’t a hobby, Kurt.” Dave said, looking up at him.

((Don't judge my fan fic for my guilty pleasure ships))

@Tidermelon group

“Mostly minor powers, like turning things”

… it seems that I was interrupted before finishing Night’s dialogue. Oh well. I’ll finish it some time.

@Tidermelon group

"Oh, you didn't know. Well….this is awkward."

That’s a mood right there.

Duskcloud clearly has absolutely no idea what she’s saying, but doesn’t seem to feel like asking.

(I’m in the process of writing a play-like script as a sketch-out of a scene that’s coming up, so that’s why it’s in present tense.)


So I heard you could put fan fictions in here

“Well, yeah. I was kinda just given this as I woke up, with some weird voice.”

She looked around the room, “Well I don’t see anybody.”

He slapped his face. “That’s why I said wierd.”