forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@Pizzaz11 group

A single whisper, "..where's Jay?" Escaped Alexs lips before the alarms went off and Jay himself came sprinting down the hall, guards chasing close behind him.

Deleted user

He rolled his eyes to heaven and muttered to himself before turning to stare at them. “You ask stupid questions. I give stupid answers.”


He avoided whatever lighthouses were out there, started distancing himself more and more. You can’t hurt anyone if there’s no one around you to hurt.

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She knew he was going to leave. The thought of freedom, of leaving this place, was too much, even for his selfless heart.

@Echo_6 group

Kid as the only apparent voice of reason right now, I strongly advise against blowing ourselves up.
Advice taken into consideration….. Denied.
Why?! What logical reason do you have for blowing yourself up??