forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@Pizzaz11 group

"And suddenly, there he was. As soon as Lune laid eyes on him he knew. He knew it was his lover, the one that had gone missing a year ago"

@spacebluelily language

He won't come for you.

He will. You'll see. He's searching for me. I know it.

Really? And what makes you think he's not in his office, drinking wine, laughing at you? What makes you think that he's worried about you? What if he's glad that he finally got rid of you?

No…he's not…he cares…about me…

But he left you here, didn't he? A prisoner in this hell hole. And now, look at you, all broken. Face it Septimus. He doesn't care. And he never has. You were just a pawn to him. A tool to win the war.

A pawn…

There was silence, and then a strangled sob.

Septimus had finally reached his breaking point.

It was all a lie…


"Where the hell are you from?" Johnny snapped, already annoyed with and embarrassed by the small girl in front of them.

The girl smiled, eyes flickering to a bright purple. "Somewhere far beyond your comprehension."

Dee Dee furrowed his brow. "…Yonkers…?"

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

“I am not going back,” Ledâhlav said. “Perhaps not ever. The place of my birth is not my home.” She turned away from the border.
“One day I might return.” She remembered Metâhul and vowed to see him again. “But not yet.”

@Starfast group

Having spent most of his life in Coral Bay surrounded by some of the most notorious criminals, Crispin had learned early on how to spot a lie. It wasn’t always easy to pick it up, but most people had a tell. Kit had several.
“You look me in the eye and say that.”


"Taking the opportunity of everyone’s slack and shocked expressions - except for Helmer, who only worse a hard, cold one - I gently untangled myself from Charity and jumped right off the roof of the building."

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

“May curses fall on their heads for their cruelty.” He stared at the fire, silent, his eyes brightly flashing discs of green.
(I swear this isn’t a “ice blue orbs”)

His hand brushed lightly on her shoulder and she collapsed onto him like a puppet whose strings had been let fall.


They both knew she was asking why he was where everyone knew Madeleine would be, late in the day, practically evening, when hardly anyone was in the library, a book of Lord Byron’s poetry open in his hand.


The two stared at each other for what seemed like a long time but was probably only a couple seconds, then Garth moved, aggressively stepping forward and raising a fist. “Say it!”


"He was the reason that, at 2 am, sitting in the kitchen with nothing more than the moon to light their faces, she could tell herself she will wake up to a better tomorrow."