forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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Deleted user


Love it.

Why, thank you. It was quite the struggle figuring that line out.

I'm sure. it's a true stroke of genius

@Fenris-Wolf group


Love it.

Why, thank you. It was quite the struggle figuring that line out.

I'm sure. it's a true stroke of genius

Truly it is. So, where's my award?

Deleted user


Love it.

Why, thank you. It was quite the struggle figuring that line out.

I'm sure. it's a true stroke of genius

Truly it is. So, where's my award?

what award? you plagiarized the dictionary!

@Fenris-Wolf group


Love it.

Why, thank you. It was quite the struggle figuring that line out.

I'm sure. it's a true stroke of genius

Truly it is. So, where's my award?

what award? you plagiarized the dictionary!

I typed the word out in such an emotional way, making it a work of art. So, obviously, I deserve an award.

Deleted user


Love it.

Why, thank you. It was quite the struggle figuring that line out.

I'm sure. it's a true stroke of genius

Truly it is. So, where's my award?

what award? you plagiarized the dictionary!

I typed the word out in such an emotional way, making it a work of art. So, obviously, I deserve an award.

did you just call my beloved dictionary unemotional?
lol, here's your "i typed four letters with all my heart and soul" award

Deleted user

I nod, turning away from him, “Yes…no?…I don’t know, just this whole situation is doing me in: First, I’m on the run from Caitu, which, come to think of it, I haven’t dealt with one in, like, two days…anyway, while on the run from Caitu, I find out that a ‘ chasing after me has some connection to you, I’m the long-lost princess to a kingdom I legitimately have no memory of; plus, on top of that I find out my parents are still alive, get knocked out by a fog that apparently can talk, wind up in a ward, and now we’re in an inn with two strangers, one of whom is possibly flirting with me! Nope, scratch that, Daniel Finnigan is definitely flirting with me,” I freeze, realizing what I’d just said, putting my head in my hands, “Ugh, see? It’s all too much!” I sit up, turning to face Kaiden, who, miraculously, hasn’t said one word this whole time, “ Okay, look: I know it’s late, so you probably don’t wanna listen to me right now, but I just wanna say that you are my best friend…I know, mushy, but it’s so true! Kaiden, I have no idea how, but you saved my life…twice! I couldn’t do that if I tried.

Deleted user

“Ah, Ireland,” Finn said. “Our main exports include vegetables, livestock, and crippling depression.”
lol! now i wanna read this book so bad…dark humor for the win!😂

@Fenris-Wolf group


Love it.

Why, thank you. It was quite the struggle figuring that line out.

I'm sure. it's a true stroke of genius

Truly it is. So, where's my award?

what award? you plagiarized the dictionary!

I typed the word out in such an emotional way, making it a work of art. So, obviously, I deserve an award.

did you just call my beloved dictionary unemotional?
lol, here's your "i typed four letters with all my heart and soul" award

Thank you, thank you.

Deleted user

Nori Couldn't hold it in anymore. He punched Lukas across the face, his cold hand echoing pain across Luke's bony frame. The boy fell back into a tree, clothes tearing, and gathering more stains than before. His wings mercilessly crippled under his weight as he sat up, gazing into Nori's tear-ridden face. Nori panted, hands drawn into fists as he stared at the pained Lukas, swearing under his breath.
"Because I love you, you idiot!"
Nori turned around swiftly, stomping off into the forested night, as Lukas held his bruised face and cried, whispering to himself as Nori disappeared after the rest of The WIngs.
"I love you too."

@Starfast group

just so you know, it's only a couple sentences at most. Not paragraphs

Yes, exactly this. Please keep it short you guys. This isn't a thread for sharing large chunks of your story. If you want to do that, make your own thread. Please.

Deleted user

The feminine urge to submit large, lengthy and bothersome lines of stupid text tho DX

jk thx for clarifying

Genie Z

"Instead, screams only the broken hearted could utter carried through the wind and drifted over the thick forests and sprawling plains, over the sky-kissing mountains and the long, twisting rivers, into the nightmare of a boy named Jee, fifteen years later." (does this count as a large chunk?)

@Starfast group

EDIT: This thread was originally intended for sharing single lines from your stories. I've been really lenient in letting people post multiple lines, but in the original spirit of the thread, please try to keep it short. Like, 3-5 sentences max. This isn't the thread for sharing multiple paragraphs. Thanks.

(this is from the first post, just in case there's any confusion).

@sock group

He was starting to loathe the cartoon hamster apologetically staring back, as if it made the error page more fun to look at.

Deleted user

The demon guinea pig squealed in dismay. "I wanted a BLUE umbrella!"