forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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He set off with uncertain steps, trying to wrap his long, soggy coat closer around him. His family wasn’t losing it’s caretaker. It couldn’t afford to. And Felix wasn’t losing his life. Not tonight.


He set off with uncertain steps, trying to wrap his long, soggy coat closer around him. His family wasn’t losing it’s caretaker. It couldn’t afford to. And Felix wasn’t losing his life. Not tonight.

Well written! You can feel his chill.


He set off with uncertain steps, trying to wrap his long, soggy coat closer around him. His family wasn’t losing it’s caretaker. It couldn’t afford to. And Felix wasn’t losing his life. Not tonight.

Well written! You can feel his chill.

Thank you!! :D :D


Blood. It sparkled in the moonlight, across the broken glass and the fading bodies in drops of dark red horror. The world was still, desperately holding its breath from the fright that had just occurred.
(haha its so dark!)


Kiss her. The thought came flying through his mind. This could be your only chance.
But he stayed frozen in place, and eventually her hand fell from his face, she gave him one last smile, and then she was gone, closing the car door and pulling away.


Some deep, distant part of his brain that wasn’t slowly powering down for the night realized that he was going to be mortified about this when he woke up. - from a WIP

Deleted user

Things were fine until Asibikaashi created the sun. Then came the war.


Things were fine until Asibikaashi created the sun. Then came the war.

darky scary remix of Here Comes The Sun

I'm sorry it was right there

@Echo_6 group

"How dare I? How dare I? You spineless cowards! You want to berate me for the way that I fight for you when you won't even try to fight for yourselves? I gave up every dream that I had so that you could sleep at night without fearing what was in the dark. And you greet my return by spitting in my face and berating me…."


"it is not my job to ask for my work schedule every week. if I don't get a goddamn work schedule at least 12 hours before I am scheduled to work, then I am going to assume the boss don't want me. I didn't received any work schedule so it was safe to assume that the boss didn't want me". (context: female with a southern accent told to her coworker on the phone when she was supposed to go into work over an hour ago. Based off true event.)


Keep your head down. Keep your eyes lowered. Stay out of everyone's way. Don't draw attention. A mantra, if you will, that Ember had repeated in her head over and over again. But it had worked; it was working. The busy city folk bustling past ignored her as life went on.


The Being Levina could only really process as a glowing ball of electric blue energy, with random features seeming to faze in and out of existence just fucking spoke, and for some reason, she felt extremely calm about this.