forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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"The warmth built up in Nina’s body from sparring with Ezra was cooling and she shivered as a breath of wind slipped through her dark hair, whispering in her ear."


Solon’s voice was loud and jovial in the stillness, a tone so foreign to the man that it came off as painfully artificial.

@sock group

"So you’ve finally shown yourself huh?” Alexi spat in response, clumsily getting to his feet. He snapped his crossbow from thin air, the light blue magic he used quickly dissipating from his fingers as he took careful aim. "Get out of my best friend's body if you want to live."

Deleted user

"Sweetheart," She said, her tone honeyed and patronizing, "I am hell itself. You really think a few demons can scare me?"

Deleted user

It's going to get a lot worse… it's the calm before the storm. And if this continues, the storm will destroy us all.

Oooo, this is a good one!

@spacebluelily language

"Everything I did, it was for you! All I ever wanted was your approval, your love. I wanted you to care about me. All the times that you said you were proud of me, that you cared, that you loved me…" The young boy let out a sob. "It was all a lie. You never cared. You never loved me. I was nothing more than a nuisance to you."


"They were fast, with trained wolves to travel quickly on and weapons to instill the fear they desired, but Raven knew the Valley. She knew the shortcuts and the quickest ways to lose them. She had years of running, years of mastering the practice of escaping. The Enforcers didn’t stand a chance."

@Starfast group

Part of him didn’t want to believe it. He just couldn’t accept it.
But there was another part of him that knew all too well that the world was a cruel place, and that sometimes horrible things happened to the best people.

Deleted user

Was this what being in a horror movie felt like? Because I did not like it.


“Exactly! I sit here with you and I forget. I forget that I’m supposed to hate you, even if it’s just for a moment. I mean for goodness’ sake I’m out here on a god damn picnic with you.”

@Nightmare_Eclipse language

“We’re not barbarians. A leader shouldn’t assign their clanmate something they wouldn’t do themselves. It’s one of the first laws of the Ancients. And there are four leaders, remember, so one of us risks ourselves daily. More so after the Clan-King War.”