forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@HighPockets group

(Dom that's so good-)

(Thx dude. Sister and I were having deep nighttalk about depression. Can you guess who said it?)

(Gut instinct is Nathaniel or Silas)

@vibesofeuphoria fastfood

There’s some savage terror deep in his eyes, those saltwater irises, cornflowers floating in a bowl of milk, beckoning, wailing, like survivors of an earthquake. I scream so much my throat turns raw. Time moves in slow-motion and I reach for him, stretch out my hand, feel it brush against his, lean forward, and fall. I was so close I could feel him breathing. I swear he’d been able to latch onto me. I swear it.

@sock group

He held a mug with ‘World’s Okayest Brother’ written on it in sharpie, probably filled with a ghastly combination of coffee and Redbull he swore actually worked.

@Fenris-Wolf group

"I'd rather let my blood dry within my body than submit to a tyrant like you!" She growled.

"Good god, she's a bit dramatic, don't you think?" Arson turned to their party for a nod of approval.

@Echo_6 group

Just what does she want me to do?
Finish the fight.
I'm sorry, but I don't know if you noticed that I'm just one person, and that sending just me to fight something basically the equivalent of the Death Star, Darth Vader, and the entire rest of the Empire is a suicide mission for me. Like sorry, but I'm not some hero that is going to save the day.


“Alright, fine!” he growled. “Suck it up and deal with it then. You’re just going to suffer, and honestly all I have to say to that is L. It’s not my problem.”

@sock group

They looked at a loss, emotion flickering through their face like the world’s most messed up bian lian performance, expressions smoothly transitioning one after another.

@Fenris-Wolf group

There was a pause before Zay continued speaking. His expression loosened and his eyebrows rose in a flirtatious arch. "Is that a threat or an invitation, princess." His voice dripped with seduction.

@squiddicus language

It’s true she’s a bit of a liability – that is to say, she’s acquired far more injuries than me over the years, accumulating quite a collection by this point.

@shining-just-for-you language

So I close my eyes, letting the wind on my face take me back to earlier memories or surfacing for the first time, and relax. As much as I can relax while maintaining a fierce, white-knuckled grip on Kek’s hand, that is.