forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@Fenris-Wolf group

Okay, but I'm intrigued…

Lol- If you really wanna know its two stoners who accidentally time travel back in time and through a series of shenanigans meet (not in order) Jesus, Alexander the Great, and Plato. Think Back To The Future, but high I guess, or.. More high?

I love it.

@tiredandconfused group

A thousand words fought for a chance to escape from Yllmadaya's lips, wanting to be heard and answered by Kydrei. She wanted explanations, assurances, but most of all she just wanted to hear Kydrei’s voice again.
Yllmadaya couldn’t have any of that before everything went black.


the music sang softly through the empty corridors of the deserted and terribly clean smelling hospital,

It feels like flying,
but maybe we're dying.

@Fenris-Wolf group

"I feel dizzy, sick, and hungry, but nothing tastes or smells good," Teo complained, laying their head down on the table in defeat.

Donna sighed. "What have you eaten today, Teo?"

"Oh." Teo said, while realizing they have only eaten a brownie in the past twenty-four hours.

@sock group

Work and stress took its toll, and he found himself becoming more and more tired each night. He tried to be more present - he really did. Maybe he should have tried harder.


Work and stress took its toll, and he found himself becoming more and more tired each night. He tried to be more present - he really did. Maybe he should have tried harder.

life right there

@sock group

The dusk crept over the water, and soon the two found themselves almost blind in the all encompassing blanket of night, save for the light of the stars and a few dim lanterns.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"I'm so fucking tired of staying alive for others. It's so desperate. I want to live for me!" he shouted. "I want to love myself enough to keep going." His voice trailed off. "I'm tired of forcing my lungs to keep breathing. Just to stop someone else's tears."

@vibesofeuphoria fastfood

I say nothing, pay him no attention, and make a move to sit at my desk, tapping the power button on my monitor to bring it back to life. I see him fumble with his keys. I see him choke back tears. I see him walk out the front door yet again. Shaky and guileless, only then do I let myself cry. All I can say is that I feel cold, as though nothing is as it should be.

@Fenris-Wolf group

"Privacy is not something to be earned, Mrs. Landis. It is a right."
Never in my two years of knowing Rueben have I ever heard him speak with such a serious and powerful tone. His eyes seemed darker and clouded.