forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@requiemisback language

The two men loomed over the coffin, the same coffin bearing their son within it. They won, but at what cost? Was there really no meaning to their incessant fighting?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Daniella could imagine him as a football player or some other kind of jock, especially as he wore a shirt that exposed his prominent biceps, and almost indecent red shorts, like a lifeguard, which Daniella could also imagine him as, that proved he never skipped leg day.

@sock group

Of course, stealing from arguably one of the most powerful men in Solis was definitely not one of Iliot's brighter ideas.

@Tidermelon group

"We told you how dangerous he was," Albus said slowly, the usual twinkling gone from his blue eyes.

Hold up…
… A Harry Potter fanfiction?

@Pizzaz11 group

Infano smiles, his dumb, adorable smile, and leans in to kiss him again, and Jay was just so happy to hear that, happier than he's been in a long time, and he never wanted that feeling to end.


This is from a short blurb I wrote titled, and I quote, "THEY KISSSSSSSS-"

@Starfast group

The real reason was that one of the other Dreamers had locked her in a bedroom with one of her friends, but she didn’t want to get into that.

@Starfast group

“I mean technically, I don’t think your arm is supposed to bend that way, but let’s just focus on one thing at a time.”


"I wanna different story!"

Coraline pulled the small child into her lap. "Okay. There was this lady, who's sure all that glitters is gold-"

"Are you seriously gonna just tell my baby sister the lyrics to Stairway to Heaven as a bedtime story?"

"You have a better story?"

@Tidermelon group

"I wanna different story!"

Coraline pulled the small child into her lap. "Okay. There was this lady, who's sure all that glitters is gold-"

"Are you seriously gonna just tell my baby sister the lyrics to Stairway to Heaven as a bedtime story?"

"You have a better story?"

yo listen up, here's the story
about a little guy that lives in a blue world

@Tidermelon group

“I… call myself a ghost, for… simplicity, I suppose.” He spoke quietly, tentatively, an admittance of uncertainty unlike that which Feather had ever heard. “But in truth…” Soul let out a heavy sigh. “I don’t know any more about what’s happened to me than you can see with the naked eye. Living or dead, or in an obscure state between… What am I, Feather? For I cannot tell.”


“I knew all of them,” He murmured, “At least, I thought I did. Once. A long time ago.”

“What were they like?”

Some crumpled copy of a smile crossed his face. “They were going to change the world.”

And around them, the world burned.

@larcenistarsonist group

From a chat fic I'm working on.

Monsieur Beast: Thank you. Now I am going to mute this. Only tag me if it’s important or I will remove your spine through your throat.

any way the wind blows: kinky

Monsieur Beast: Good riddance.

@ElderGod-kirky group

have a few recent lines from a few different stories sorry if i went over the line limit on any of them

A phantom blade pressed against his throat, over and over again. Thick liquid spilled around the cold metal; it filled his throat and drained into his lungs. Or maybe not, he didn’t know. All he knew was suffocation.

The impenetrable darkness offered no help.

Promised One
Mai waved her hand, and the door swung open. Her other hand gestured for him to leave. “I shall see you again when the time comes. Good luck, Eiya.” Her eyes sparkled, and through the ocean of delight and conspiracy, he could see a tiny speck of sincerity within them.

Say My Name
No hickeys, hm? We’ll see about that.

Witchcraft In Your Lips
A lifetime seemed to have passed when I finally worked up the strength to turn my eyes to the other side of the bed.

Natalie’s face pinched at whatever she was dreaming about, an annoyed groan slipping past her lips as she flipped onto her other side and tangled herself even more into the blankets.

Just a dream.


A dream.


Deleted user

"A chunk of one was missing, and every five pages were dog-eared"