I go by Denny, which may or may not be the name given to me at the Crowning Ceremony a couple centuries ago. An avid writer, reader, and hitter-of-foosballs, my 239, 714 years of age have amounted to this: a NB account. That and some amazing characters that are much cooler than my actual friends and life.
A certified tree potato who has a degree in writing nonsense, I don't plan on dying anytime soon.
If I do, though, I'll see you on the other side.
Until we meatball again, fellow writer-...
Writing. foosball. Reading. world destruction and domination Painting. Writing. Developing my characters.
I write in Realistic-Fiction/Adventure/Fantasy, which I've dubbed Real Adventasy.
suspend judgement until the end
i haven't read them all, so i can't say for sure. come back when i have.
'That's what makes villains so scary. They're not as different from us as we want them to be' - Neverseen, Shannon Messenger
Raccoons, jaguars, and soup spoons.
Click here to read the document: Critique The First Two Chapters PleaseThis is a very rough draft of something, just asking for critique. My IRL friends are no help.
Hiya! Knox is my personal favourite character! Comic relief, many-layered, and somewhat deep, Knox is the most developed character of this set - and the best!
He's an Astral Psychic, and is pReTtY iNtRiGuInG if I do say so myself!
Check him out!
Hi guys! Abi is out! Check her out and give feedback if needed!
• Wepwawet out •