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Started by @Starfast group

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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Ever since coffee failed me..” he trailed off in feigned nostalgia. “But I’ll take whatever works.”
“Whatever it takes to let you stay up at night,” I said, pleased with the turn of phrase.

It might have been a pretty face. Silas didn't pay attention to that sort of thing. It reminded him of an old china doll; like it had been sculpted out of ceramic. He watched in his head as he imagined Rune tripping and falling, her head shattering into a thousand pieces.

Deleted user

What would it cost? There wasn’t much that the people had left. The price could not be that bad.

@stolenbrocoli group

For some reason, i always put so much pride into my plans, but it was at this moment i realized that they didn’t really deserve much pride because, in a matter of minutes, my only plan to get out fell apart.

@Echo_6 group

"Wait wait wait… you're planning to do what?!" Isaac snapped looking at me.
"We're gonna storm the Pentagon," I replied with a grin.

@kiley_arrants Premium Supporter

Kenna, who had already drunk half a bottle that morning, decided not to comment on his misinterpretation, and instead let him think of her as some put-together person.

@Echo_6 group

I wasn't built to run away, I was built and trained to fight, and not being able to do either of those things physically hurt.


"Our forces are stretched too thin between too many enemies. While their ranks only swell, ours grow thin. I worry that we many be forced to pull back into our siege cities and simply let them come, hold out as long as we can and hope the Alchemists and Engineers come up with something in time."


I know what I saw, she argued to herself, taking a deep breath and momentarily closing her eyes, steeling herself for coming face to face with their murder machine.

@HighPockets group

Aha, smidge from the Much Ado retelling musical!
FRANKIE: I want us to live together, and, in the least creepy way possible, die together.
KAT is confused by this, and FRANKIE awkwardly tries to lighten the mood.
FRANKIE: You know…la petite mort, if you catch my-
KAT, visibly flustered: I-I know what it– you don't even speak French!!