forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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The body had been mutilated so terribly it was nearly unrecognisable. The young male was missing his right leg, ripped clean off. A chunk was missing from his left, though most of the limb was still present. Someone had dug out his insides, leaving them sprawled by his feet in a manner that could only described as less then delicate and his arms, one bent in entirely the wrong direction and the other missing a hand on his left side. His throat had been slit, three large claw marks digging right to the bone. Dark red blood spilled down his face from where he was missing an eye and his tongue, gone from his mouth.

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i never want to stop falling in love with the world and i never want to get used to your smile.

@soupnana group

"He covered his mouth and nose with his hand and turned his gaze away from the body."
(Writing this scene I had to look up the ways a body decomposes and now I feel sick. This scene makes me sick. A lot of this book makes me sick and yet I still am writing it)

@Starfast group

(Hey just a friendly reminder that this thread is for sharing short snippets. If you want to post longer excerpts find a different thread for it)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

(Writing this scene I had to look up the ways a body decomposes and now I feel sick. This scene makes me sick. A lot of this book makes me sick and yet I still am writing it)

(What's it about?)

Deleted user

“What’s a girl to do in the love capital of the world without her lover?” He chuckles as I hand him the bowl of ice cream.
“I suppose,” I respond, leaning my left hand onto the counter. “That’s a dollar, Winchester.”
He raises an eyebrow playfully as he removes a crumpled green bill from his pocket. “Winchester, huh? Holden would be proud of you.”
“Speaking of Holden—”
“He’s good too,” Audie cuts me off, handing me the money. “Saw his mom watering her plants last night. Apparently, he’s taking bootcamp pretty well.”
“We knew he would.”

@ccb group

Soon she heard more footsteps, and they both sat up. Page prickled, preparing herself to argue again. Still, though, it wasn’t Laurel, but Lark.