forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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(oml i love that line)

(tysm! Now if only it was from one of my actual stories and not from a rando fanfic I wrote 4000 words on yesterday for no reason xD But I am quite proud of it ^^)

@HighPockets group

It was the little moments that got to me, mostly. Like seeing some street art or a stray cat and thinking "Cora would like this", then realizing she'll never be able to see it.

@CasiCasino group

“Your job, as a doctor, is to cure a sick person. Whether that person be a homeless child or jobless man, a government official or a wanted criminal, those titles don’t matter. Your… no, our job as doctors is to save lives, not to decide them as we see fit”

Deleted user

"Not in this house, Gray." Sola Marelin said, striking the back of my hand with her cane. The crack! that was so familiar I had to smile despite the sharp pain.
Julia too looked like she was about to laugh, but wiped the look from her face as the Sola turned to her.
Even with the world crashing around us, war impending, and Eli captured…
It was good to be home.


"Why don’t you call Aunt Heather? I’m sure she could-”
“She’s sick, apparently,” Dakota said, cutting their cousin off. They’d tried Aunt Heather. They’d tried everyone else. They closed their eyes and leaned back against their truck. They really were alone.
(Sorry, I know it's more than one line, but it wouldn't make sense otherwise)


“Frankie, stop fucking thirsting.”

Frankie elbowed Sebastian in the side, glaring at her friend. “Fuck off, Seb, you were practically ready to suck off-”

“Okay!” Sebastian said, holding up his hands. “Shutting up now! Thirst over Joan all you want!”

@Echo_6 group

Genius. Just how long to you plan on standing here hmmmmm?
Well you see, I didn't exactly think this all the way through.
No, you didn't. You can't see it but I'm slow clapping right now.

@Anemone eco

(Hey you guys, so this thread was intended to share the last LINE of your story. Line singular. I've been really lenient as to what constitutes as a line, but could we please try to refrain from posting large paragraphs? Let's try to keep it short. If you want to share longer excerpts then either find a better place for it or start your own thread).

From @Starfast


Bidding a mental farewell to the chevy, they turned off the highway onto a random road. They had no idea where they were going.

@Echo_6 group

"Happy now? That's why I hate snakes," Kye snapped. In the back of the room Roshiel's head popped up.
"Wait what's going on?"


I wish I didn’t care, they thought angrily. They wished a lot of things, however, and whoever was in charge of making wishes come true seemed to enjoy ignoring Dakota.

@Starfast group

“Kurt Vonnegut was abducted by aliens, and you cannot change my mind about that.”

I'm writing a very serious story, you guys.

@Starfast group

I approve this story.

I approve this theory.

Good lmao.

Anyways, here's another:

“Listen,” Andor says, “I’m just saying, if I’m right–”
“You’re not,” Ara says, “But go ahead anyways.”

Writing dialogue for these two is legit my favourite thing to write.