forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@Echo_6 group

Chris looked at him for a moment, seemingly very annoyed. "Tolkalee," he said after a moment. "I told you to stay at camp to heal."
"And?" Tolkalee wasn't looking at him. He was studying the glyphs on the wall.
"And you're here," Chris glared.
"First of all, you don't control me," Tolkalee sounded distracted. "Second of all, you would all die without me so I decided I like you and I didn't want you all to die."

@Milani eco

Chris looked at him for a moment, seemingly very annoyed. "Tolkalee," he said after a moment. "I told you to stay at camp to heal."
"And?" Tolkalee wasn't looking at him. He was studying the glyphs on the wall.
"And you're here," Chris glared.
"First of all, you don't control me," Tolkalee sounded distracted. "Second of all, you would all die without me so I decided I like you and I didn't want you all to die."

why do i find that funny (the last lline) ahahhaah

@Echo_6 group

Chris looked at him for a moment, seemingly very annoyed. "Tolkalee," he said after a moment. "I told you to stay at camp to heal."
"And?" Tolkalee wasn't looking at him. He was studying the glyphs on the wall.
"And you're here," Chris glared.
"First of all, you don't control me," Tolkalee sounded distracted. "Second of all, you would all die without me so I decided I like you and I didn't want you all to die."

why do i find that funny (the last lline) ahahhaah

It's half true. The last line anyways. But the reason why is not to be revealed just yet.

@HighPockets group

Samuel watched as Percival raised his drink to his lips, then stood.
"I'm terribly sorry, Percy, but I'm afraid I can't stay. I have a meeting to attend," Samuel said, keeping one eye trained on his brother, who'd just swallowed a swig of tea. Percy opened his mouth to respond, then coughed violently into his fist.
"What have you done?" he asked, his eyes meeting Samuel's as the younger man's hand drifted to the doorknob.
"Like I said, I'm terribly sorry, but- well, only one of us can go to this meeting, and I need it to be me. It's not much, it'll wear off soon…" Samuel rambled as Percy coughed again, pressing one hand to his mouth and the other to the table as he tried to stand. His knees gave out then, and he fell to the floor with a thud.
Samuel tried to steady himself, to forget about his brother's passed-out form on the floor, and turned the doorknob.
He walked swiftly to the Duchess's quarters, trying desperately to ignore the gnawing feeling that he had just made a terrible mistake.

@Echo_6 group

Tonakee stopped and tipped her head back to listen. Tolkalee was a good ways behind them and was limping hard. "Chris, we need to slow down," she called.
Chris paused and looked back, he groaned and rolled his eyes. "This is why I told him to stay at camp."
Tonakee glared in Chris' direction. "You know what Chris, I have had enough of that attitude from you," she snapped suddenly marching over and glaring at him. "I get that you don't trust him for some reason and that you aren't used to being a part of a smaller group, but you're going to have to get used to it. You are not leading an army right now. You are a part of a five person squad. And though you may not trust him at all, I guarantee that if you were injured and you were falling behind, he would not only wait for you to catch up but he would adjust the speed so that you didn't fall behind again. And not only that but he has already saved all of our lives on multiple occasions. Yeah he's disappeared every so often. Big deal. He's a healer and he has other responsibilities and is working himself to the bone keeping up with everything, and has decided to work even harder to come with us to help out on our raids. You can stop groaning about how we have to wait for him because he's freaking injured and is coming with to help despite that. Straighten out that attitude and start treating this as a team."
She turned on her heal and hopped down that hill to help Tolkalee who was leaning hard on a rock but still trying to catch up.

@Starfast group

(Hey you guys, so this thread was intended to share the last LINE of your story. Line singular. I've been really lenient as to what constitutes as a line, but could we please try to refrain from posting large paragraphs? Let's try to keep it short. If you want to share longer excerpts then either find a better place for it or start your own thread).


Itha was having a dream. Odd, I know. Might be the strangest thing that’s ever happened in this series.

@TeamMezzo group

"There is no definitive ending, it’s always a circle of something more or something else to come. I don’t get a break. I never get a break. Why can’t I get a break?"

@HighPockets group

Everyone acts like going to college makes you less of a wreck, but that's a lie. Only difference is that in college you can talk about it. You're still a wreck, but with slightly fewer expectations and a social expectation to be hooked on caffeine or some other drug. I dunno, though. It all seems like bullshit.

@Anemone eco

The howls of the wind and the groans of the old house would've been enough to drive Thomas mad. If he was conscious that is.


Joan Silverlake had hit a bit of a rut, I’m sure we can all agree, but she’s not no idiot. She’s formulating a plan, trying to get her feet under her and her plans back on track.

@HighPockets group

I hate the phrase "passed away", all it does is soften the blow for the people less impacted. And it was in all those stupids cards I got too, telling me about how great Cora was as if I hadn't grown up with her. God. If anyone goes around talking about how I "passed away" and "was a great guy" when I die, I'll haunt them.