forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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"Do we have a deal?"
"Uh, no."
"Oh come on! Why not!?"
"Because you want me to gather some people to help you destroy the earth and everything we love."
"Well the earth's gonna die soon anyway, you might as well do it yourself!"

@Echo_6 group

Tolkalee let out a sharp cry of pain as Seth snapped his leg into place, then started splinting it. "Well, maybe next you pick a fight, it won't be with the freakin king of the giants and maybe you won't go alone."
"Shut the fuck up Seth," Tolkalee groaned laying his head back on the floor.

@Echo_6 group

Hey, you remember that time we jumped off an airplane without a parachute into canibal infested territory without any of my weapons, I broke my leg and we spent two weeks running and hiding from people that were trying to kill and eat us?
Wha… Kye it is two o'clock in the morning!
Well, do you remember that?
Answer the question.
Yes I remember the time you nearly got us killed on thirty different occasions within two weeks. I don't anyone has, or is ever going to beat that record. Now, go to sleep!!!

@spacebluelily language

As on cue, the door was opened, and a young man entered the room. The young man was holding a white takeout bag on one hand, and on the other hand he was holding a plastic cup of what could be coffee or tea. His expression changed the moment he saw Tony and quickly walked over to the bed. He placed the items on the table near the bed, grabbed a chair and put the chair in a position where once he sat down, he would be facing the sleeping man, and sat down. It took Tony a few moments to recognize the young man before the young man looked at him.

@Echo_6 group

"Kid, just stay out of the way," the man said as he pushed past Kye.
Did he just call you a kid?
Yes he did.
And you're just going to take that?
Oh probably.
How are you so violent at some moments and so docile at others?
I'm confused.
Pity, because they have no idea what I could do to them.


No, they did not know how in fuck Rebekah got into a situation where she was hanging upside down from a flag pole. They weren’t sure they wanted to know.

“Okay, so, you’re tangled in the rope?”


“And you’re up there… why?”

“Wanted to get a good picture.”

“Of course.”

To be fair, it wasn’t the weirdest thing Rebekah had done for the perfect shot.

@Echo_6 group

This is your fault.
How is it my fault?
You're the one that wanted to go "check this out."
Yeah but is it my fault the they cut down the tree I was in?
… No I guess not, but I'm going to blame you anyway.
Because I can.


It wasn’t often that Melody traded her leather jacket for the sweater, but she was sometimes found curled up and taking a nap in it. All her bandmates knew was that the sweater as a few sizes too large on her skinny frame, it was a dark navy blue that never went with her usually all black clothes, there was a hole in the right sleeve that was messily sewn shut a few years back, it was worn to the point of bearly providing warmth, they were not allowed to touch it, and it belonged to her dead brother. So really, they couldn’t complain about her being weirdly protective of it. It was the same with a little teddy bear she had, a gift from a dead sister. They learned not to question why so many of her siblings were dead. When they did, her blue eyes got distant and dull, and she hid behind blonde, black streaked hair.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

“You don’t think I know what you’re feeling!” he shouted. “I know it all.” His normally cool voice twisted into a bitter venom. “Every. Single. Thing.”
Silas took a deep breath with his eyes closed. “We shouldn’t be with each other right now.”
And there was something in his voice that almost sounded like compassion as he said “Leave. Come back tomorrow. We’ll see about your lessons later.”
Daniella turned and ran without a word.

@HighPockets group

“This is the way we do things,” Silas said quietly.
“You can’t do this! He has parents!”

"Well, it's apparent he won't for long!"

I don't know what this is.

It's a dad joke

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

She didn’t even turn around as she heard the footsteps approach.
“Leave me alone,” she said.
But it wasn’t Josiah or Sam that answered.
“May I sit?” asked Rune.
Daniella looked up, startled. Rune gazed back at her, authority in her eyes, waiting to be accepted. Octavia stood only a few paces behind.
Daniella nodded.
“You may leave us, Niko,” Rune whispered softly to Octavia, who grumpily tramped away, while still remaining in sight.

@HighPockets group

Princess Cordelia had never killed a man. She had never made perfect, slender cuts across a man's throat to drain him of his blood. She had never hauled his corpse into the hallway and out to the courtyard. She had never spent the night on her hands and knees wiping that blood from the cobblestones. She had never spent hours cleaning her sword after, trying to get every flake of blood of its shining blade. No, Princess Cordelia had never done any of those things, just as how Prince Christopher had never sold his heart and soul to a faery, or done alchemical sciences in his quarters. Just as Princess Eleanor had never run off with the Fool. Just as Prince George had not taken his brother's work and used it to save the family's dog. Just as how Prince Gabriel had never poisoned a man to prove a point, or how King Phillip had never slept with his brother's wife. No, the royal family was a perfectly normal one, with no secrets. Especially with no secrets kept from each other.

@Echo_6 group

"What? Is this the part where you tell me that I have the option to change?" she taunted, strutting around Kye, who was coughing up blood by this point.
"No…. This is the part… where I kick your ass," Kye managed between coughs.
"I thought you said you wouldn't hit a girl."
"Wrong again sweetheart… I said… I would not hit… a Lady." He struggled to his feet and faced her. "That clearly does not apply to you."

Deleted user

"Give back Belladonna." Sticking her hand out like a petulant child, Tasha arched a brow at me.
"What? No–Wait–you named your gun?"
"Of course I did. I'm not a savage…Now give her back!"

I lifted the weapon high above my head, still staring down at the wraith. Exhaustion may have colored my tone, but I couldn't help the smile that stretched across my lips as I watch her try to snatch her gun back. Tasha was a undead, unkillable, creature of the night. Terrifying in her own right, but damn she was so tiny.

"Belladonna?" I asked, switching hands as she came close to taking it from me.

With a movement I wasn't entirely able to see, Tasha was holding her weapon once more. She gave me that wicked, gleaming grin again. "Of course. After the only thing that could get me off in life." Tasha shrugged, turning away to walk back towards the car and I stared at her back completely lost for words.

"The poison? The drink? Or the porn star?" I called, curiosity overcoming the shock of the statement.

"What do you think?"

Honestly? I couldn't even guess.

@HighPockets group

((which is somewhat ironic of you in not just the glaring way jyn))


((poor kid'll never hear another dad joke either))

(I have one braincell and don't understandddd)