forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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Jo was his liferaft, letting out air at a terrifying speed as his heartrate monitor beeped unsteadily, leaving him drowning in the fear that he was never going to see that stupid grin and those midnight eyes ever again. That he was never going to get to tell him how he felt. The truth. Then Jo's eyes opened.


@HighPockets group

Oleander kept silent, and left Arthur Nest, mortal and thoroughly human herald to another kingdom, to face the wrath of the king's enemies on his own.

Oleander you absolute ass.

In his defense, he's poisoned and can hardly walk (the Erl King poisoned him before unpossessing him)

Deleted user

My jaw clenched as I fought to remain still. Tyldarion was on his feet now, arm carefully slung about his mate's shoulders, but he was smiling as he spoke to her. He was still grinning ear to ear as they both walked over to where I stood frozen in place by all the weapons aimed at me. "Looks like you've finally come out to play, eh?" Tyl said, clapping me gently on the shoulder. "That hurt like a bitch, but I say we do it again. You need more control, Bruja."

Deleted user

There’s no victory for those who die in a Parliament meeting.

@Kamea public

But rather than going back to work as everyone else had, –and as he had planned to– he instead found himself riding in a car to a Starbucks Coffee, sitting next to his happily smiling director.


Evanora nodded, fondly ruffling up the other girl’s hair as they caught up. “Okay, we all know the drill, right?”

The small girl had managed to tuck her wings away successfully, nodding. “Hide behind magic and the fact that we look like humans so we don’t get dropped again!”

“Exactly. Thank you, Celestina.” Evanora said. “You two, listen to her.”
“Awwwww, I can’t freak out a drunk guy even a little?” Morticia asked, pouting.

“Hell no.” Evanora said.

“Can’t levitate near someone who’s really obviously high?” Lilith asked, trying to use puppy dog eyes. The one red eye of her’s didn’t do much to help the affect.

Evanora sighed tieredly. “Please, just behave for one night?”

“No promises.” Morticia and Lilith choursed back, grinning.

Evanora face palmed, mumbling to herself.

Deleted user

A merry girl paces in the hall of paper, holding a clipboard and vigorously clicking a pen.

@Starfast group

“Yeah,” he said, “I just want to check in with Gerard. Do you know how he’s doing?”
Caleb hesitated. “Like, with his work, or like… mentally?”


The Cephei ran off some strict orders, and one of those was, for reasons of size and clumsiness that were incorrectly assumed, to stay out of the library. Not a single foot could be set in there under any circumstances. And, well, as he stood outside the door, reflecting upon his orders, this definitely qualified as a circumstance.

@Echo_6 group

"You talk to bats."
"Dude that ain't normal."
"I have a demon living inside me, I fight and stop massive wars, I live in a cave, I have bright purple eyes, and I have powers. I ain't normal."


"Dorian Gray? As in The Dorian Gray? From the story?"

"Ugh! No!" The boy stamped his foot in annoyance. "My parent's last name just so happened to be Gray and they named me Dorian because they were mean like that. Then they died. So I'm stuck. As Dorian." Something seemed to click in his mind "Hold on- why am I telling you this?"

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"Dorian Gray? As in The Dorian Gray? From the story?"

"Ugh! No!" The boy stamped his foot in annoyance. "My parent's last name just so happened to be Gray and they named me Dorian because they were mean like that. Then they died. So I'm stuck. As Dorian." Something seemed to click in his mind "Hold on- why am I telling you this?"


@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

(It's been a long time since I've worked on any of my stories, but….)
Part of him felt very far away, very distant. Maybe he wasn’t going to die after all.
It was this thought, and the soft, blissful sensation of distance, that carried him through the next few moments–in which he stood patiently waiting as the monster lunged forward, its jaws gaped wide, and the great teeth soundlessly embraced him.