forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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The texts were short and to the point. It was odd for Mitch who liked to ramble. Even weirder, they weren't supposed to be coming tonight. They were supposed to be at a big important dinner with their parents. But they had just messaged me, saying 'I'm coming over' and 'I'll be there by 10'.

Well, ten had come and gone and Mitch hadn't shown up. Amiee and I waited but no word came from them. We had just decided to set up the newest season of Amiee's favourite show and watch that until they arrived but my phone rang and made us both jump. I got up and answered it, y'know, like a normal person. It was Mitch's number. "Hello? Mitch?" I said, hopeful there was just traffic or something, but the voice that answered was not Mitch.

"Amiee, we have to go. Now." I insisted, grabbing the car keys.
"What's up?"
"I'll tell you on the way."

(I accept critism!)

@Starfast group

(I accept critism!)

Not in this thread, please. We have an entire separate forum for that. As the creator of this thread I'm going to politely ask that we keep this thread to sharing our latest lines, which was what this thread was intended for.


(I accept critism!)

Not in this thread, please. We have an entire separate forum for that. As the creator of this thread I'm going to politely ask that we keep this thread to sharing our latest lines, which was what this thread was intended for.


@Echo_6 group

"So, you're doing this for your father," he smiled for the first time since we'd met.
"No! Yes?… I don't know! I'm doing it… because," I sat down hard next to him.
"Because you don't want my fate to follow his," he said exactly what I was thinking, and I let my shoulders slump. He'd figured out why and was probably going to question me about it.

@Starfast group

“Look, it isn’t what it looks like, ok?”
“What is it then?” Gerard asked, “Because last night it looked like you were going to attack me, and right now, it looks like you’re gearing up to do it again.”

@Echo_6 group

Lightning flashed over the black sky, outlining a small figure with a short sword facing off with a giant holding a club the size of a tree.


When Catori opened her eyes, she was grinning. It wasn’t an amused look, more the deranged sort of look you’d find on the features of a person who lived for the pain and thrill that came with a fight. Or, in this case, someone who had just taken a longsword to the chest. Somehow, that wasn’t even the scariest part.

The scariest part was that the longsword was still there.


“Yeah, let’s make it an adventure!” Ki shouted
“It’s for school supplies-”

That reminds me of the time my friend and I were helping in the school library and we went on an adventure to the multi purpose room to get more glue sticks

@HighPockets group

Nich gave an over-the-top eye roll, then tossed a wink at the audience. Cheers and laughter erupted from them, and Nich felt an odd swell of pride. They'd loved it…no. They'd loved him.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Nich gave an over-the-top eye roll, then tossed a wink at the audience. Cheers and laughter erupted from them, and Nich felt an odd swell of pride. They'd loved it…no. They'd loved him.

Me. I love it when I can perform.

@HighPockets group

Nich gave an over-the-top eye roll, then tossed a wink at the audience. Cheers and laughter erupted from them, and Nich felt an odd swell of pride. They'd loved it…no. They'd loved him.

Me. I love it when I can perform.


@HighPockets group

Things tended to get thrown when Ethan Gar entered the room, and it was no surprise when half of an onion struck the wall, barely missing his face.
"Miss me?" Ethan said, sauntering in, and Louis scoffed.
"Yeah, like a bad sunburn."

@spacebluelily language

In a white room with a couple of medical monitors and medical equipment, couple black chairs and a medical bed, laid a man with a lot of injuries. A man who was on the verge of death a few hours ago. A man whose friends haven’t left the hospital since the moment he was brought to the hospital.