forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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She was no longer Josefina. She no longer belonged to the cross.

She’s Jojo. She belongs to the rebellion.

((For context: Her birth name is Josefina de la Cruz. After running away, she takes on the name (used as a stage name) Jojo de la Rebelión. "de la Cruz" means "of the cross" "de la Rebelión" means "of the rebellion"))

@Echo_6 group

Wind whistled as they small group moved across the swinging bridge that creeked under them. "Tolkalee!" Taca suddenly snapped, her knuckles white as she tightened her grip on the ropes. The group stopped and Tolkalee poked his around the two people in between them.
"Yeah? What's wrong?" he asked sounding extremely calm.
"You're the one who decided we should take this route right?" Her voice alone told how scared and high strung she was.
"I am the one who chose this route yes," Tolkalee nodded. "It's the safest way into the territory."
"You call walking across a 400 year old bridge over a huge chasm of death safe?"

@PaperHats business

Imma share the first line of my story cuz it’s more interesting:

I’ve always wanted to eat a snail, like escargot or whatever. Never thought it would be the other way around.
So I know what you’re thinking…

@Echo_6 group

"Oh for pete's sake," he flailed his arms in exasperation. "For once in your miserable lives be smarter than four year olds with sticks."
"Okay mister smarty, what do you think we should do then," Kinashki snapped, slamming his hand on the table.

@Starfast group

“Well, he did say that only you would be able to find it,” Kit said.
“Right, and who knows what that means?”
“You, presumably.”

@HighPockets group

"So the kingdom will fall apart if I fall for the stable boy, but it's fine for Eleanor to bed the fool?" Georgie asked, his face flushing as he stood. The king's fork slipped from his grasp, and Arthur Nest choked on his wine. Eleanor let out a squeak and seemed to shrink into herself as King Phillip stood and stalked towards her.
"Is he telling the truth?" Phillip said, his voice stern and low. Eleanor nodded, tears in her eyes. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her up. "Go to your chambers now, you useless girl, or the next thing that will be delivered to the table is the fool's head." Eleanor stood and left the dining hall, mustering as much dignity as she could, and the king watched her leave.
"All hopes for a marriage alliance gone, unless the Fae would content themselves with Cordelia," Phillip said sadly, and sighed as his two sons and the herald pretended to feel safe.


"I can't imagine going through school with- this." Mitch said, touching their scar. "You'd never understand." They rolled their head to look me in the eyes then went back to staring at the ceiling. "You've always been so perfect. So smart, so good-looking, so- ah shit!" They swore and covered their face with their hands. I felt my cheeks flush.

After a few minutes, they spoke again. "Hey, Jared?"
"Can you just forget what happened?"
"Uhh… no."


Micheal hates the first time his lips touch Seán’s.

He had imagined, on the moments moments he allowed himself to imagine. Something peaceful. They’d be at home, comfortable, perhaps they had something to drink. Inhibitions lowered, their hands would brush, their eyes would lock and then …

Or perhaps after work. Adrenaline rushing through their veins, still high from the thrill and it would be too much to hold back. They would meet halfway, pressing up against the wall and then …

But not this. Never this. Micheal hates it. He hates it. They should be at home, not here in this stinking alley, cold and alone with the sound of gunfire still echoed in his ears as Micheal tries to count - 28… 29… 30… Come on Seán, please breathe for me.

(Please edit - this is the whole story and I have no clue how to edit)


shit dude you made me sad why'd you do that
For the bit 'Come on Seán, please breathe for me.', is Michael saying that or is it part of the narration?


shit dude you made me sad why'd you do that
For the bit 'Come on Seán, please breathe for me.', is Michael saying that or is it part of the narration?

its a narration. The who thing is Micheal thinking

@HighPockets group

Jackson wasn't sure what was more shocking: the fact that he'd nearly died for the second time in his life, or the fact that Victor of all people, lanky and scrawny Victor, had managed to break his ribs doing CPR.

@Echo_6 group

"Oh little Taca," Kara laughed in her normal maniacal way. "I don't think you can trust even your closest friend right now."
"What do you mean?" Taca's grip on her sword tightened.
"Oh, nothing. Not everyone may be as they seem." And with that she turned and merely started walking away. Calling her troops with her. "Just think about it little Taca. Oh and watch your back sweetie, I have eyes everywhere."

@Mojack group

Nashka stared into the night sky. It was early morning by now, around 1 AM. But she felt captivated by the blue ray of light that rose up from the explosion of the power plant.

@Echo_6 group

Taca moved carefully through the land, dipping behind rocks and hills, trying to keep a low profile. That was when the ground caved in underneath her, dropping her into an old dried up well.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

This is long.

The reptilian man growled, but thought better of making any move against the Lord High Representative. He backed down and stalked to the doors. They automatically parted and Lord Sylarr went out without a glance at anyone in the room.
“He hates you,” Garae, one of his personal guards said as the door silently closed.
Addar smiled thinly, “He doesn’t hate me, he dislikes me.”
Garae shrugged, “Hate, dislike, what’s the difference?”
“Hate is far more lasting than dislike.” Addar’s expression stayed neutral, “The distinction is important.” He held himself back from a sharper retort. She would never understand the constant gentle manipulations and treaties and temporary alliances that was politics. That was why he was the High Representative, and she was his servant. A pity though. But then again, some rose to their natural potential while others didn’t. A sign of a smile twisted on his mouth.
“Garae?” he asked.
“Yes Lord Addar?”
He let her sit in silence for a second. Before she could reply again he answered her.
“What would you do if you rose to power? What would you accomplish?” At this point he was actually curious.
“It is not likely that I would ever attain such an honor,” she said carefully. He waved his hand, “Go on.”
“If I did…” she began, “I would do all I could to promote health through the entire solar system. I would try to make sure the most people had the best life possible.”
Addar nodded, slightly impressed. “How would you manage that?”
She seemed a little out of her depth. “I would listen to what the people wanted. I would let them choose what they knew would be best for them and do that.”
Addar cut her off before she could continue. “You make a fatal mistake, Garae. People are different, but they are all the same. Few are capable of making the right decisions. The trials of life are difficult, and few have either the knowledge or time to truly understand what is best for them.
She stood silently, possibly afraid. “I am sorry Lord Representative,” she said.
“It is no matter,” he said, noticing her gray shoulders go down slightly as he said this. “Few understand what the worlds truly need. And even then, even less are uncorrupted by the power that comes with being in the position. It takes one who is very strong to do what is best for all people. I do my best.”
“Indeed you do, Lord Addar.”