forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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Her intellect rivaled Newton by age 6 and she knows all the right pressure points to hit on a person to get them to do her bidding. She can kill a gang with a single round of bullets. The animals seem to do her bidding for her. Who is she, you ask? Word on the street is, The Princess of the Mob


The vacuum he was suspended in slowly began to illuminate an area in red. With nowhere else to go and nobody to tell him otherwise, Connor ventured toward the light. The closer he got, the hotter it became. It became increasingly more difficult for him to breathe the closer he came. He was just outside of the red ring when he began to hear, "Come to us." He closed his eyes and took the deepest breath he could with the growing lack of oxygen and plunged into the ring. The next thing he knew, he was falling. He landed face first onto a cold, dark floor. That was when he heard, "The warriors are here."


"Now, normally I don't care. However. I don't know about you.. but a woman's life essence is especially scrumptious when she's infatuated with someone."

Fallo's hands move the sides of my hips, slowly coming up to rest on my cheeks. Though his voice is a soft, reassuring whisper, his eyes are anything but. They radiate with hunger and desire, as he gazes down on me with a wolfish grin.

"And.. I do believe you're the loveliest soul I've had the pleasure of meeting, dear Maria."

I'm snapped out of my dazed state, when his lips twist into a disgusted sneer.

"What?" I gasp, and struggle to remove hands, but it's too late. The process has already begun. "Traitor.. I thought you came to terms with your death, that you were to help me see my brother again!"

My protest seems to amuse him, for he just shrugs, not moving his face away from mine. "Oh.. no. No, no, no! You have it wrong. It was never my intention to help you. The truth? Your brother is a Víalos! Lost spirit. You have no chance of saving him."

"I.. that cannot possibly be true. How can I trust your words, you mocker?!"

"Because, you see.." Fallo tilts his head downwards, smiling into my neck. "I've already devoured him."

@Echo_6 group

Oooooooh my gosh it happened again.
You sir have this uncanny ability to get into the trouble of the universes. I don't know how you do it, but somehow, everytime you go to a new planet, you have to save it, or save a part of it. My suggestion would be to just stop coming to different planets and maybe this won't happen.
Oh yeah, cause I try to go to different planets. I just decide "There's an odd looking spot in the wall let's walk into it to see if there's a portal to another planet."
Hey I don't know how you think.
You live in my head, yes you do know what I'm thinking.
You think I pay attention to what you're thinking?
I guess that's probably true.

@Mojack group

“Organics cannot be trusted to the delicate operation that is to defend what remains of our homeworld from these invaders. If one of them were to make contact with you, the results would be disastrous for anyone around you and yourself. Especially yourself.” She explained, the rain bouncing off of the metal roof of the shed.
“And? What if I decide to fight anyways?”
“Well, I surely cannot stop you myself. But just a single touch is all that’s needed for your cells and DNA to mutate rapidly. It kills you. Essentially, you are dead the moment you decide to challenge one of those creatures. That is why we use non-organics. No cells or DNA to mutate.”
“So, what if they figure out how to affect them? Then what?”
“Well,” she said, turning around. “Then mankind’s last beacon has fallen.”

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

He took Toru's hands in his and rubbed his thumb over the each on Toru's knuckles. Gorren looked Toru in the eye with a smile. It was the saddest smile he ever smiled, but somehow it was brighter than ever. Tears stained both boys' cheeks. Neither of them wished to say goodbye. Gorren took a deep inhale and spoke first.

"Toru," he grabbed Toru's thin left hand, "you know that this is for you, right?" He patted Toru on the head with his free hand.

Toru shook his head violently. He lunged forward and held onto Gorren tightly.

"I won't let you go!" Toru protested, "I'll hold onto you for as long as you live!"

Gorren sighed softly. He took of the helmet of his armour, his fiery red hair flowed freely in the wind. Gorren ruffled Toru's hair lightly and put the helmet on him instead.

"You know," Gorren looked off into the distance, "I always wanted to be someone's knight in shining armour. Their saviour," he freed himself from Toru's grasp and unsheathed his sword. "But I learned quickly what truly makes the best knight." He walked behind Toru and toward the mob approaching them. He looked back over his shoulder with a smile still plastered on his face.

"The best knight isn't the one with the fanciest or prettiest armour. The best knight is the one willing to give you their armour."


"You'll never get anything done if you stay cooped up your whole life," Will said, his voice a bit lower. "Sometimes you have to say 'screw it' and see what happens."

Sean looked at him. Ever since he had arrived, Kale had been nothing but amazing. Sean had been a stray dog that had shown up unexpectedly and these people had picked him up and brought him home. Kale seemed to be the one who wanted to keep him the most, but the rest didn't seem to object in the slightest now that he thought back.

"Screw it," Sean said, and he leaned in.

@Mojack group

Lightning flashed nearly constantly in the sky as he neared the shriek he'd heard earlier. He knew that whatever was there was clearly powerful enough to generate a hurricane like this, which might make dealing with the intruder a difficult task.

@TeamMezzo group

"I have a plan!" Marrick announced.
Elliot laughed. "But, like, I prefer being alive! I wanted to make it through today. Welp, thanks for housing me, Earth, it was nice being here!

@Echo_6 group

Why are you like this?
Cause I jus duuun't caare.
Could you speak like a normal person?
No, es imposible.
Oh now we're speaking Spanish?


Pascal kicked the door open to reveal me, sitting on the giant beanbag, in a darkened room, eating all the chips we had, and watching depressing shows to make myself feel better. Pascal didn't seem happy about it.
"Get up, Levi," she shook her head in disapproval. "Just one look at you and I think our trackers would leave you alone. You look dead."

@Mojack group

Malak spun around, snapping his jaws at her. “And I suppose that you’ll just say the same thing? That it’s.. ‘different?’”

@Echo_6 group

Oh no, that is a snake.
Yes that is indeed a snake.
Why did it have to be a snake?!
Because snakes happen to be everywhere in this region. We were warned about this.
I refuse to go any farther. He turned on his heel and started going back the way they came.
Wait!!!! Hold on!!! You can't back out now!
Why not?
The world is depending on you!!
The world can find someone else to depend on. I am outta here.

@HighPockets group

Oleander kept silent, and left Arthur Nest, mortal and thoroughly human herald to another kingdom, to face the wrath of the king's enemies on his own.