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Started by @Starfast group

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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Sorry this is long. I haven't been writing in forever and I feel like bragging.

“The demon realm is a very… chaotic place.” Silas explained, “All sorts of things come out of there, which means we get the occasional…” He looked at the demon, “this.”
The pig looked at Daniella with its oddly human eyes, blinking its long lashes in a manner that would almost be considered cute if it wasn’t coming from a resident of the underworld. It shuffled around the ground, scraping up the grass with its weird, almost handlike hooves. They all watched as it grunted happily and stuck its blue snout into the soil, slurping down something; possibly an earthworm.
Josiah broke the silence. “We should call him Truffles.”

@Echo_6 group

"So what's your story?" she asked innocently.
"Nope," he replied bluntly. "Sorry kid, I don't do sob stories, and I don't need to traumatize you. Go read a book or something while I try and fix this."
"Awe come on not even a little bit of it?" the small girl tipped her head to the side and smiled sweetly at him. Kye glanced at her.
"My father raped my mother and my mother was executed in front of me when I was three, and everyone else hates my guts because they think I'm a monster," he finally said flatly.

Deleted user

The shifting mass of smoke moved towards the barrier, extending out and solidifying until it formed a graceful pale hand. A hand tipped in long, cruel, reddish-brown nails. "You think this can contain me now?" She said, in that voice of a thousand midnight whispers. One nail tapped gently against the opalescent barrier, a wide crack appearing and spreading at an alarming rate.
The Paladin rocked back on his heels in surprise. "That is not poss–" The words died on his lips as the writhing mass settled completely into that form. The form of the woman he couldn't get out of his mind–she even haunted his every dream. There was something different about this version though; it's edges sharper, skin paler, hair tangled and dull. Circles under her eyes black and her lips chapped over a gruesome smile.
"You forget," She whispered, voice sliding through the failing barrier. "Who and what I am."
She lunged, breaking through his magic as if it were nothing but gossamer.
Only in this moment would he admit to himself that he had truly, and irrevocably, fucked up.

@PaperHats business

I found this at the bottom of my notes from a book I was writing on my old phone. Enjoy it in all its terrible comedy glory :D

“Go ahead. Call everyone I know. They’ll say I’m innocent,” I muttered with a mischievous smile.
Henry held the phone limp in his hand. “I can call anyone in your contact list and they will say so?”
The man sifted through the device, his face drawing blank and looking unimpressed. “The only contact you have is round table pizza.”

@Starfast group

“Bring his stuff upstairs to the spare bedroom, then you can be in charge of showing him around the village.”
Dorian frowned. “The spare bedroom?” He repeated, “You mean the one where–”
“We only have one spare bedroom!” Victor snapped, “Bring his stuff there. Then show him around. Is that clear?”

Deleted user

Sorry this is long. I haven't been writing in forever and I feel like bragging.

“The demon realm is a very… chaotic place.” Silas explained, “All sorts of things come out of there, which means we get the occasional…” He looked at the demon, “this.”
The pig looked at Daniella with its oddly human eyes, blinking its long lashes in a manner that would almost be considered cute if it wasn’t coming from a resident of the underworld. It shuffled around the ground, scraping up the grass with its weird, almost handlike hooves. They all watched as it grunted happily and stuck its blue snout into the soil, slurping down something; possibly an earthworm.
Josiah broke the silence. “We should call him Truffles.”


@Fangirl616 group

(Lol sorry of the length, I wanted to share the whole bit)

"From then on, it’s a blur of slashes and stabs, of bullets and blood. Nothing is real but him and his weapons. He’s one with the violence- one with the animal within.

And just like that, it's over. He stands bloodied above the ruined bodies of the soldiers. And what does he do?

He laughs.

He’s not entirely sure what's so funny- maybe it’s that he’s using Marcus’s teachings against him. Maybe its because he really enjoyed the violence that much. But maybe- just maybe- its that last corrupt trace Marcus, the last bit of Theta finally shattering into infinitesimal pieces.

Judging by Jayden’s look of horror, Zenith’s gonna guess he’s thinking of the second one."

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Sorry this is long. I haven't been writing in forever and I feel like bragging.

“The demon realm is a very… chaotic place.” Silas explained, “All sorts of things come out of there, which means we get the occasional…” He looked at the demon, “this.”
The pig looked at Daniella with its oddly human eyes, blinking its long lashes in a manner that would almost be considered cute if it wasn’t coming from a resident of the underworld. It shuffled around the ground, scraping up the grass with its weird, almost handlike hooves. They all watched as it grunted happily and stuck its blue snout into the soil, slurping down something; possibly an earthworm.
Josiah broke the silence. “We should call him Truffles.”


It makes me happy that you are happy. Truffles is a good demon boi.

@HighPockets group

"My own sister, and it was all my fault. And I know it was two years ago, but I can't…I still…" Victor trailed off, closing his eyes tightly.
"Why don't you talk to her?" Henry asked.
"Because she's better off without me in her life. I ruined her, Henry, because I wasn't paying attention. I was arrogant, I was selfish, I was-"
"You didn't try to hurt her, Vic. Claire knows that everything that happened was an accident."
"Accident or not, I could've prevented it. I could've protected her. I could have done better," Victor continued, "If I'd just been focused on Claire and not showing off to the judges, nothing would've happened. She would have been okay."

@Echo_6 group

She looked over the edge of the building to the street below, noticing how quiet and peaceful and lonely it looked. It would only take one step and she could be free of herself. But something stopped her, for a moment fear took hold and she shrank away. A single tear slid down her cheek as she thought about her friend.