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Started by @Starfast group

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There was a soft click as the door shut. His answer had made me frown, but I slid back into my pillows soundlessly. Dreaming of wars between Stars, Moons, and Suns.

@HighPockets group

Nich placed the card on the table and leaned back with a lazy grin, propping his feet up on the table. The man stared at him, clearly aiming for apathy, but Nich could easily tell that he was flustered.
"So," Nich said lightly, "I think that's another win for me." The man (what was his name? Holden? That seemed right.) only frowned again.
"I think you're full of shit," Holden growled, standing up quickly, "There's no way you won that round. You must've been cheating."
Nich gave a very offended (and very fake) gasp.
"Listen, Holden-"
"Hudson!" Oh. So that was his name.
"Hudson. I know you're jealous, but to accuse me of cheating, well, that's very unsportsmanlike of you. I won fair and square, and you can deny that all you like, but-" Hudson cut him off with a swift punch to the jaw, sending him reeling.
"What the hell was that for?" Nich said, and Hudson stepped forward again.
"That was for cheating, Fox," he said self-righteously, and Nich scoffed.
"You drink before the game? Because you're clearly not thinking straight. I won the final game because I played the final ace card," Nich said. Well, 'final' was a bit of a strong word, he kept several in his pocket at any given time just in case the opportunity to switch a deck around presented itself. Which it had.
"You didn't have the final ace card because I had it, unless there are five aces in a deck."
Damn it, he thought, right before Hudson's fist swung out again. It caught him in the nose this time and he swore loudly.
"Hudson, I figured you already knew my strategy," Nich said, one hand wiping the blood pouring down his mouth, "I've always got an ace up my sleeve-"
He saw Joan get up and step behind Hudson.
"And one in the back," he finished triumphantly. Joan slammed the butt of her knife into the back of Hudson's head, and he dropped like a ton of rocks.
"You absolute idiot," Joan said, "You're lucky he didn't kill you."
"Love you too, cuz," Nich replied offhandedly, rummaging through Hudson's pockets for some cash. He found a wad of it and tossed it to Joan, and then undid Hudson's watch.
"I like this one," he said, and Joan sighed.
"You're incorrigible."
"I know. It's one of my charms."
"It really isn't."

@Echo_6 group

"Why do all the bad things always seem to happen to me?" Taca snapped. "What did I do to deserve this?"
"Did you need to do something to deserve this?" Tolkalee spoke up from his perch on a tree branch. "The way I see it, bad things happen."
"And…?" Taca urged.
"And what? There's nothing more to add to that. Bad things happen, end of sentence. We can't control them, all we can do is keep marching forward," Tolkalee shrugged.


"He is still learning to use his voice again, so he just nods, and try to pull a smile onto his stiff, frozen face."

@HighPockets group

Darlene simply watched the fight, though Trinity didn't blame her for not interfering. Darlene's good experiences with men like Gar could be counted on one hand, and Rennerman seemed to be holding his own fairly well despite his disadvantages.

@Starfast group

“Can we just talk about how you showed up to your own funeral?” Kit asked, “You can’t just say that and expect me to gloss over it.”

Deleted user

"It's a hamburger–you eat it."
"Revolting. I cannot consume this filth. It will certainly kill me!"
"Well–you're not wrong."


Annie listened-a rarity for her. Once she heard the door close, Rhapsody’s head turned toward the window. “Please tell me what I’m doing is right.” She whispered, picking up her guitar again. The tune was more familiar now.

*G Em C G… *

@Reblod flag

(oops this isn't a line)
Behind him were bodies but there was one he wished wasn’t there. Steeling himself, Ahmik made his way back into the clearing. There she was, splayed across the ground. Her brown and blonde hair was white aside from a speckling of blood. The assassin kneeled beside her. He brushed a hand over his cheeks but found that his eyes were dry. They stared into Rheta’s stark white ones, once a lively green. He reached over and closed them.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’m so sorry.”

@Starfast group

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He began to flip through his pages as he tried to find the page it had been open to. “It’s just been a long day, that’s all.”
“Gerard,” Eva said, “It’s not even noon hour yet.”

Deleted user

"I have to tell Tenzo."
Kaemon gaped at me, pausing mid step to block my path. "Tenzo? As in Prince–"
"Emperor." Rinji interrupted from my left, looking equally surprised at my decision.
"Emperor Tenzo? Your ex-lover, Tenzo? That Tenzo? Tell me you're joking." Kaemon folded his arms across his chest, using all six foot four of his height to look down at me.
"Ex? We didn't really–I mean we never ended anything…" I muttered, moving around my familiar to hide the blush of shame on my cheeks.
"He kicked you out of Sanenari." Kaemon continued from over my shoulder. Rinji still walked beside me, cutting me looks every few moments. Oddly, she remained quiet.
"To protect me!"
"Hmmm. I still think it's a bad idea to go into the city as–" He sighed heavily. "Well as yourself."
"We'll go in disguise then." I shrugged.
"That's an even worse idea."

Deleted user

Andrekia is silent for a moment. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and she speaks oncemore.

@HighPockets group

Victor was no Prometheus. If anything he was Sisyphus, doomed to keep struggling forward until he couldn't go any farther, to be crushed by that boulder before he reached the top. Doomed to do it all again, no matter the cost.

Deleted user

"Is that a dragon?"
"It's an overgrown lizard with a superiority complex and soft heart, is what it is."
"You have to let me ride him."
"What? Why?"
"He's allergic to scum."

@Starfast group

“That’s like telling me I might get attacked by a kitten.” He took a step back towards the entrance of the station. “I’ll take my chances.”

@Echo_6 group

"You're about to do what?"
"We're about to get very dead," Gelion sighed.
"Well, we are going to be running head first into a hoard of monsters that want us dead, so probably," Kye agreed.