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Started by @Starfast group

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Boga snapped at the chains that held him, but they would not yield.

At least, not for another 6000 years.


"Why didn't you kill him?!" General Fayan roared, slamming his fist down on the table.

Ashton flinched, tears running down his face. Thousands dead, and it was all his fault. "I loved him." He whispered.

"You what?" The general demanded, tone clipped and icy.

"I loved him!" Ashton shouted, more tears sliding down his face as he thought of the friends that would never return because he hadn't been able to kill someone. "I loved him!"


"They made the-" she stuttered.
"Yeah, thats why it's called the Datsun Concept" Ardy said.
'It's also their ship name' Hawk mouthed at her and winked.

@Echo_6 group

"Why don't you come out?" the girl asked. Her eyes traced the shadows, searching for Kye. Though she didn't know it was him.
"You don't want me to come out," came the soft replied.
"Why not," she gave a light laugh looking around some more. "I won't judge you."
"Yes you will," was the quiet voice came from the shadows.


"Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel…" Kyoko shifted uncomfortably as she set her gaze upon the Demon's "souvenirs", pushing back her curiosity as to how she got them. "Michael. Everything, dear."

@Echo_6 group

"Are you nuts?!" She looked at Kye like he was crazy.
She thinks that was nuts?
I know, you'd think someone jumping off a cliff would be more common where she came from.

Deleted user

"That…..don't really make it better," he mumbled to the floor, staring at the floor beneath his feet as he tried to repress the urge to throw up.

God, I was a monster, he thought. Am a monster.

He looked over to Curtis to gauge his reaction to the shocking news.

@HighPockets group

"What are you doing?" Talia seethed, stomping into the room.
"I'm raising your younger brother, Miss Brecker, since you clearly can't be bothered to," andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) replied coldly, and Jayson tugged at his sleeve.
"Don't talk to her like that, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), she'll hurt you," Jayson pleaded, but andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) ignored him.
"You're the only family he has left, Miss, you really ought to look after him," andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) continued, "Especially considering what people he's surrounded with here."
"Jayson lost his claim as my family when he ran away from home," Talia shot back, "Besides, he's only fifteen. None of them would kill a kid."
"Really? None of them? They're hired killers, Miss, they're not to be trusted."
"Stress the hired, Robertson, and if you don't mind your own damn business, you'll be next," Talia prodded her finger into his chest for emphasis, even though she barely came up past his shoulder in height.

@Moxie group

""Besides, if I was going to do a team sport, it wouldn’t be a running one. That’s lame. There’s barely any competition. It’s just you and time.”
“Well yeah, but you’re competing against someone else’s time.”
“Still lame. What’s your deal with it, are you an advocate for track or something?”
“No, just trying to find a sport for you. Do you play basketball?”
Sam’s grip on the ball tightened. “I used to.""

Deleted user

"If I am going to be honest, that is a stupid idea which will most likely not work." Sahi immediately shot down the idea, ducked down in the trench.
"But is is worth a try, is it not? Would you rather be stuck here for, what, 3 days? Weeks? Years?" Diablo returned, his ears flattened. "I know you do not want to fight this war any longer. We can get out of here. Alive."

Deleted user

Vian looked from the large bottle of amber liquid in my hands to the collection of wicked daggers in Tyldorian's. I suppressed the guilty drunken giggle that threatened to bubble up out of my chest. Tyldorian wasn't so lucky as his awkward boom of laughter echoed down the corridor.

Biadyne frowned harshly, still standing with her hands on her hips. Vian's mouth twitched slightly up into a smile and he quickly crossed his arms, placing the fingers of his hand across his lips to keep us from seeing it. They looked like a pair of disappointed parents.

Another giggle threatened and I clamped my lips together. "We're just–"

"We're going to see who has the better knife skills while drunk. It's a bet I want to win." Tyldorian grinned at his mate and his King, swaying on his feet. I wanted to smack him, but instead he met my gaze and I couldn't hold back the laughter anymore.

"My gods–now there are two of them." Biadyne said as she threw up her arms.

Vian only chuckled.

@Echo_6 group

Hey not to be a bother or anything, but there's fire.
Oh! Really?? I never would have noticed! It's not like it's all around me or anything like that.
Just thought I'd let you know.
Thank you sooooooooooooooooooo much Captain Obvious.
You're welcome Lieutenant Sarcasm.

@Starfast group

His voice dropped to a low mumble. “I have powers.”
“Louder,” Alexander urged, poking the knife into the back of his neck.
“I said I have powers.”