forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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"You don't matter. In the long run, who will remember you? You're not special, not very bright, and not all that interesting."

@Mojack group

(sucks in breath awkwardly Shouldn’t it be ‘well’? Or is it part of how the character talks?)

(I don’t really see a problem with how it’s worded, i thought it didn’t really matter?)

Deleted user

(sucks in breath awkwardly Shouldn’t it be ‘well’? Or is it part of how the character talks?)

(I don’t really see a problem with how it’s worded, i thought it didn’t really matter?)

{Technically 'well' would be grammatically correct}

@Echo_6 group

Aaaaaaaand he's off, in the first quarter of this fine chase. The sun is high, the wind is just right and we have some fluffy clouds dawdling over those feather white mountains. Ooh that was an impressive leap of a fallen tree, right into a beautiful slide under those rocks. He dodges the sword to the right, followed by a kick to the lower gut to send that man toppling to the ground.
Do you really have to?


"I know what you did. I need to stop you."
My heartbeat steadily increases, my palms going steady. "What do you mean?" I ask, smile faltering. "Don't you love me?"

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Aaaaaaaand he's off, in the first quarter of this fine chase. The sun is high, the wind is just right and we have some fluffy clouds dawdling over those feather white mountains. Ooh that was an impressive leap of a fallen tree, right into a beautiful slide under those rocks. He dodges the sword to the right, followed by a kick to the lower gut to send that man toppling to the ground.
Do you really have to?

Loving it.

Deleted user

"I'm not evil, I'm only trying to save you from your pitiful, inefficient existence!"

"You gave her severe PTSD. Coming back and ruining our lives again is not how you fix people. You get the hell away from my family." Dante bit his upper lip, breaking the skin. He could taste blood, and it spurred him on.

Deleted user

"I'm unseelie, I don't do nice, Bruja." Words hissed at me through tight lips and narrowed eyes. I didn't have to look up from my book to know what expression Vian wore. He was certainly testy this afternoon.
"You made me breakfast." I pointed out calmly, flipping to the next page, despite having not read a single word. I was more prepared to chuck the book at his head than finish reading it.
A length pause stretched between us. I dared a peek through my lashes at the Fae king. He was still standing in he doorway, leaning against the frame. Although his arms were crossed tightly and his knuckles were white taunt beneath them, his expression betrayed his shock. As if he never had thought something so simple would be considered 'nice'.
"That–that doesn't count." He muttered, turning his face back towards the low lit corridor. Was he blushing? After a moment his entire form turned toward the corridor, he was done antagonizing me it seemed.
"It does to me." I murmured softly, low enough for my own ears to strain to hear it, but he froze for a moment, shoulders straightening as the words settled in the air between us.
"Then you don't know what's good for you, Cleo." Vian said with equal softness before vanishing through the door.
I couldn't be sure I heard anything at all.


So, I was dragged out before the sun was even out at the cold as hell time of ass ‘o clock in the morning, carrying my guitar as my only now friend talked my ear off. She was way too chipper that early. Just… why. And no, I was not told why it had to be so fucking early until later. Turns out we actually weren’t supposed to be there. Oops.


"Hey, how are–" Sasuke pressed two fingers against her lips, not bothering to avert his eyes off the map.

"Can you fuck off for thirty seconds? Thanks."

Deleted user

What is this dagabat? Looks good.

Why new project that I mentioned in Rudeness. D:

Deleted user

"Whatever goes wrong, I'm responsible for it!" the deity giggled, blowing out puffs of whatever they were smoking, something that smelled like cranberries and cinnamon but, if the smoke got in your mouth, tasted like rotted flesh.

Deleted user

I thought so. You are so motivated. Jealous.

lol. motivated. right. XD More like I-have-to-write-down-these-scenes-or-else-my-head-will-implode

Deleted user

“In terms of my species, I’d be considered a dwarf; but at least I’m still taller than you.”

@Echo_6 group

What on earth-
Don't talk!
Oooookay, I'm gonna just sit over here in this corner and wait for you to acknowledge my presence.
What part of don't talk don't you understand?
All of it.


Nothing good ever came from it, and despite the fact, she continued to venture out into the wilderness. Daniel watched as she unknowingly ambled through the Beast's lair, listened as her screams echoed throughout the infested area while it dulled the sounds of her flesh squelching between ragged teeth and talons, smelled the strong iron stench of blood pollute the air, drawing in more beasts to feast on the young human.

Deleted user

"Well, I could help youuuuu…. but why should I?"

"Because you're bored?"

"Okay, I'm sold. When do we start?"