forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@Echo_6 group

Could you just… not. For five minutes. I don't exactly want to die, but you seem bent on dying.
I mean, I don't particularly like the idea of death. However, if I die I die.
And that right there is the problem.


"Holy…shit…You're Seph!" Catiline shrieked like the fangirl she is, "the fucking first Lord of Bax!"
"Yes," Seph laughed, "I am the fucking first Lord of Bax."

@CasiCasino group

“You wanna get something along the way? Ice cream maybe?”
“Yeah… sure” the girl leaned on the man’s shoulder as they walked.
“Geez, you sure are childish” he patted the girl on her head while giving away a small laugh.

@Echo_6 group

"I am going to throw you into that ocean with your hands tied behind your back," the man threatened aiming the gun to his head.
"Not if I jump first!" Kye exclaimed throwing himself from the roof top towards the water below.
You didn't think this through did you?
No, not really.

Deleted user

"You have–issues–just so you know."
"What gave it away? The fact that I'm dead?" She paused, narrowing her eyes at the other woman. "Or the fact that I'm an unkillable zombie thing with a real bad case of homicidal tendencies?"
"Nah. You have a knife sticking out of your throat."

@Starfast group

From afar, Caleb was able to make out the tell tale rise and fall of his chest that told him that Damian was, unfortunately, still alive.

(I hate to double post, but I really just wanted to share that one line).


Despite our similarities, the other crew were still very different to us. They all had brightly coloured hair and were quite a bit taller than us, which wasn’t saying much since our tallest member was Hunter who reached just over 5’ 10”.

@Mojack group

(Well.. we don’t really know the real reason, besides the Rules of Cool. And the fact the majority of the story takes place in the Realm of Chaos. Plus it’s pretty funny and scary when someone holds a metal spoon going into battle and it transforms into a bazooka or something, considering the deity can become any weapon you can think of.)


Keylo crashed through the ceiling, screaming.

"Hello, I've been expecting you. You're late." Eda said

"Expecting? How did you expect that?!"

"I can see the future Keylo."


"You weren't expecting that," Eda said while walking out of the room.

"Of course I didn't cause I'm NOT PSYCHIC!" He yelled after her

(Sorry it's a little flat, it is a hurried remake of a roleplay scene)

@Echo_6 group

"Or we could just cut them off in the gorge and bury them without any problems. But that's a little to logical and we wouldn't want that," his voice more dead sounding then normal.


Behind Pascal and Levi, Nicholas was preparing to jump. As Pascal and Levi were talking, Nicholas ran straight in-between the two and yelled very loudly; "Yeet!" as he threw himself off the cliff.

Deleted user

Behind Pascal and Levi, Nicholas was preparing to jump. As Pascal and Levi were talking, Nicholas ran straight in-between the two and yelled very loudly; "Yeet!" as he threw himself off the cliff.

m o o d

@Echo_6 group

"I need to get back into that building."
"You mean that burning one there?"
"Yeah that would be the one, I need something from it."
"Are you nuts?"
"Probably but I've gotten this far in life so I'm not stopping here."