forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@DreadPirateRoberts group

“Not at all. Rather, I intend to light the Reichstag only after everyone is evacuated. Fewer casualties that way. Can you wrap your head around that, boy? Or are you too opposed to collaboration with the enemy?” Hellfire practically gritted his teeth as he spat the words at Alex.

Deleted user

"So is this Plan B or are we down to Plan G?" Tenzo huffed as they ran, the explosions rocking the building making it difficult to run in a straight line.
"Do I look like someone who had more than a Plan A?!" Kaemon shouted over his shoulder.
"That was your Plan A?! We almost died!"
"But we didn't!"

Deleted user

"I'm just gonna scream into the void for a bit so that I can properly express my disgust at your stupidity, m'kay?"

@DreadPirateRoberts group

“And I’m Wilhelm Erwin Richter. But just Erwin will suffice.”
“Already knew that,” Alex said, brushing past him as he headed to the doors.
“I was being polite and introducing myself,” Hellfire/Erwin called after him.

Deleted user

"If there's one thing you know about me through all our years of marriage, it's that I don't take shit from anyone. It's over, Pat, now I'm going to rescue my kids. I'm no longer a coward." Draven snapped, "And bae? You can keep the television, before you ask. Keep it all, I don't care anymore."

@Moxie group

Sam gasped and her eyes lit up. “Are you gay?”
Lila’s brow furrowed and her head turned to Sam. “Yeah. But that’s not what I meant. That’s not something I’m hiding or anything.” She grabbed her backpack and pointed to the only color on it. “I literally have a rainbow pin on my backpack.”

Deleted user

"Can you please just give me a simple yes or no?"
"I mean… maybe? I don't really know."

@TeamMezzo group

Ben spat out one final curse before leaving Cas alone. “Ue bela eyho, Cas. Bela eyho.
You’re a monster, Cas. A monster.
Cas chuckled as Ben left. Of course, he was a monster! He looked the part, as did Ben, and he acted the part. Cas was a sociopath, an attempted murderer, and a nightmare. He was a persecutor through and through, and he was happy about that. It was the life he chose, the life he wanted to live.
Meo ker Darkside. Meo enfraie Dark, becue es wheoe meo ie.
I’m a Darksider. I’m not afraid of the dark, because it’s who I am.


The young man yelped as Raygon thundered in. The door swung around into the wall, the handle making a hole in the wall where it hit. "East!" the man yelled, "My wallpaper! I only just replaced it from last time! Why are you like this!?"