forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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Somewhere, hiding on the rooftops of the city, a Golden Boy has fallen. He sits up as high as he can, but can never regain the height he once was.


Somewhere, hiding on the rooftops of the city, a Golden Boy has fallen. He sits up as high as he can, but can never regain the height he once was.

(o u c h)

@Echo_6 group

Geez, calm down! Don't do what?
Don't you dare listen to this guy.
Okay, alright, I wasn't going to anyways, so you can calm down. Good god. You're gonna deafen me, and I can only hear you in my brain.

@Starfast group

Kit’s powers had served him well, but right now he couldn’t think of any ways he could use them to escape that didn’t also involve murder.

@HighPockets group

He was a far cry from the Prince Hal I'd met years ago, yet he stilled maintained Hal's passion. And though I hate to admit it, his rant to the Dauphin had terrified me.

Me? Changing my username and writing fanfic about Montjoy? It's more likely than you think.

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

"Considering we don't have an evidence to prove she committed such an heinous thing, I think i'll just pretend we do." Esmere said with a smirk and evil glint in his eyes.


No, he wasn't about to cry. He was perfectly fine. It's not like she reminded him of his deceased friend. It's not that she rambled about music and books the same way. It's not that she had the exact same face, just framed with curly hair and heavy eyeliner around her brown eyes, just like his. Nope. He wasn't about to cry. He was fighting back tears and was pretending it was from the sad song on the record.

Deleted user

"Did you just hand me a bullet?"
"Yeah. Pretty neat, huh?"
"There's blood on it."
"Uh huh."
"Tasha, where did this come from?"
"Hm? Oh. That bastard got a lucky shot. Had to dig it out of my heart. I thought you'd like it."
"Yes, Liam?"
"What the fuck?"

@Echo_6 group

That a big angry dragon?
It coming this way looking at you?
Are you gonna run away?
Thinkin' about it.
You better think faster.


“Who do you think you are, telling me to stop?” Alyse hissed.

“Hmm… Who do I think I am? I don’t know, an idiot?” Ethan said, with the face of a student who didn’t quite know if he was right or not but would die to know.



“Stop the alarms!” I shouted as we all raced to the right of the ship, all except Hunter, who ran to the left, was grabbed by Reah and dragged to the correct window.