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Started by @Starfast group

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Deleted user

"Nich Fox, if that's even your real name-"
"It's probably not."
"Nothing. Keep going."


@HighPockets group

"Nich Fox, if that's even your real name-"
"It's probably not."
"Nothing. Keep going."


I love him.

He'd appreciate the love but would want your wallet instead.

@Echo_6 group

What are you doing?
I'm getting ready to discharge this highly combustible wood dust, to reconfigure the wall, in order to escape.
You're gonna blow the wall out.
In a tiny room that has exactly one flimsy object to take cover behind.
…. Well… so long life that I have grown so fond of.

@Mojack group

The Bull takes one glance at the heat signature, then approaches Q, his features tense, tail swaying behind him. “The Queen grows impatient.”

Deleted user

"Your family had been chosen long ago to perform this sacred duty. You are the culmination of thousands of years of might and bloodshed, Blackwell. This is why I give to you this power."
"Take it back. I don't want it."
Uriel froze, and I continued to stare at him from under my arm. God my body ached, and this Angel was really interrupting what could have been a great nap. At least in my dreams I get to see her.
"What." Not a question, a demand. I dare say that no one had ever refused him before. Much less a human– a 'chosen' human at that.
I sighed, pushing myself up into a sitting position so Uriel could see the damage that had been done to me. The bruises, the cuts, the broken ribs, the heavy black circles under my eyes. Some 'chosen one' I was.
"I. Do. Not. Want. It." Gripping the sheets under my hands, I felt that wild rush of power once more. It made my skin crawl. Shoving it down, I continued, glaring at the Angel before me. "I refuse to be your scapegoat anymore. My entire life I've been nothing but a good servant, when all of this has been bullshit! You and your brethren took the only thing in this world that mattered to me and now you expect me to fight?! You took her–you took Zan–" My breath got. I couldn't even say her name anymore. Her very memory threatened to choke what life I had from me.
Good. Let her take it.
It was always hers anyway.


From my books!

Not good, whispered Nick, and Boss had to agree, dismally realizing this really had been a terrible idea. But you know what? Weren’t they all?
“Hi,” he said with his most charming smile.

Weapon Twenty-Four Book 3:
“Ow!” Osric yelled, struggling to get out from under her. “What the hell? Were you even trying to help me?”
“Yes! Shut up and accept my charity!” Itha screamed back, rolling off him just in time to avoid getting kicked by Baltic.

A Starless Place:
Jared and Jamie heard a sound that didn’t belong in a forest. It sounded vaguely human, but certainly not. No human could physically make that distorted sound.

@Echo_6 group

"When I told you to run, I did not mean just stand there looking like the moon had just come down to earth to sing us the macarena, I meant RUN."

Deleted user

"So we can confirm we're all gonna die?"

"Yes, we can confirm."

"Good, now I'm gonna yeet away from here and grab a coffee while you save the universe. Byeee!"


(I smell BMC)
“Oh,” Jessie breathed, before managing an indignant glare and jokingly pushing away from Charlotte. “I’m stronger than them,” she said fiercely. No matter her petite frame and short stature- the iron in her voice led to believe nothing but that it was true.

Deleted user

"I'll need you to intimidate him."
Zana's black eyes sparkled with mischief, her lips curling into a grin that could only be described as manic. "Are we talking play-with-my-knives-while-you-do-the-talking, or turn-into-a-terrifying-soul-sucking-demon kind of intimidate?"
I considered for a moment before turning towards the door so she wouldn't see my smile.
"The second one."

Deleted user

"That was stupid. That was a stupid decision. Yes, it truly was stupid. And I can't unstupid-it."

@HighPockets group

"Calm down, you're super tense right now."
"Tense? I'm not tense. I'm relaxed. I'm exceptionally relaxed!"
"You paced around the room again while you said that, so I disagree."
"…fine, I'm a bit tense."

Deleted user

"Are you okay?"

Jeremy sighed, turning to face them. "Do I look okay?! I just got my entire world flipped upside down, and you're asking if I'm okay?!"

Cade sat down next to him, pulling Jeremy to their chest and stroking his hair. Jeremy huffed, but didn't move. This was honestly really, really nice. He suddenly realized that he hadn't made physical contact with anyone in weeks, and weird or not, he needed that connection with someone, even if it was unexpected.

"I…. enjoy touching you."

Jeremy widened his eyes, pulling away from their grasp

"No, not like that, before you say anything. I swear, it's like you're back in highschool. Are you sure you really graduated?" Cade said, irritation dripping from their tone in large quantities. "I have not had much experience with physical contact. We're connected, this is likely a side effect. Don't think too much of it."

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"Calm down, you're super tense right now."
"Tense? I'm not tense. I'm relaxed. I'm exceptionally relaxed!"
"You paced around the room again while you said that, so I disagree."
"…fine, I'm a bit tense."


@HighPockets group

"Calm down, you're super tense right now."
"Tense? I'm not tense. I'm relaxed. I'm exceptionally relaxed!"
"You paced around the room again while you said that, so I disagree."
"…fine, I'm a bit tense."


I'm sure you can guess ;)

@HighPockets group

I’m not quite sure who though, because Victor is inclined to be tense, but he is also the one to point out something like that.

First and third were Henry, second and fourth were Victor!